i am a female and have very thick black hair on my face. i work with the public and it is so embarassing. no make-up covers up the 5 o’clock shadow.
i had one treatment with lightsheer and the results were awesome. virtually hairfree for a couple months. i went in for treatment number two exactly 7 weeks later and she lowered the setting, i got burned, and i had basically NO shedding. i have been reading stories and keep seeing that after several treatments all the hair grows back on the face! does it work for anyone on the face? i dont want to spend money (that i dont really have) to have the hair all grow back. i would rather start on electrolisis. however if i need to grow the hair out, that wont be happening either. as i said, i have to work every day.
anyway, it seems that on my cheeks the treatment has worked a little bit, there’s maybe 10% reduction and my chin hair pretty much all grew back. there’s maybe 5% reduction there. and my neck it ALL came back, it looks horrible and i have to shave everyday and i get razor burn. it’s the most horrible feeling looking at my face everyday. i just would like some positive words if anyone has had success on the face. if i could get results like after my first treatment i would figure out a way to pay for several more treatments. i plan on making another appointment in a week to do my chin and neck (my cheeks still have not healed from my last treatment 10 weeks ago) i hope i dont get burned again, but i’m going to tell the tech to turn it up to the original higher settings. wish me luck, i’m pretty scared.