Has anyone experienced this before??

Ever since I could remember, I’ve had peach fuzz on my face along my cheek/sideburn area and along my chin and lower lip. The chin is definitely more noticeable as the hair is slightly longer and I always have like 2 or 3 thick black hairs pop out that I pluck at least once a week. Anyway, lately, I’ve noticed that the hair on the LEFT side of my face is becoming more noticeable! It’s like its spreading to my cheek area and in the light you can see that the hairs look “sharper”, almost like they are thicker and shine more in t he light, but they are not rough to the touch. It’s starting to freak me out because although I bleach my hair, I really don’t want to start to develop a beard… I’m 22 and extremely self conscious. I also have A LOT of body hair that I’ve dealt with for years (think stomach, boobs, entire back, butt). Has anyone had anything like this? The right side of my face looks totally fine.

Tweezing is, after hormonal causes, the number one cause of spreading and strengthening facial hairs, and I highly recommend that you stop this immediately. Many of our clients would never need to have electrolysis if it wasn’t for tweezing and waxing. It is possible that you are getting a better view of one side of your face, and have been doing a more thorough job there. Is the window or the light in your bathroom coming from the left?

YES indeed O’Connell … but do “they” ever listen to us?

A very nice woman came in on Saturday. We had fun because she’s German and I got to practice my grammar. She said she has been tweezing her chin for 20 years because “shaving makes the hairs worse and will ‘make more hairs’.” I tried to instruct her about these incorrect ideas … she didn’t “buy it.” She’s “going to continue to tweeze, and will never shave!”

Here’s her proof: “a young man starts to shave and eventually he gets a BEARD!” Well there it is … the proof!

I told her that once we start treatments she would be getting more hairs, WAY more hairs. The treatment will take a year or so since we will mostly be waiting for the hairs to grow back from her (damned) tweezing. She insisted that “her hairs are different” and that they “grow back the very next day!”

I did my little “dance routine” as I have done for the last few decades. (I spoke with her for an hour!) She was absolutely adamant about her “position” and did not believe one word I said. This was a “portrait in stubborn!”

So, I exercised my “right as a free ‘Amurikan’,” and refused to take her as a client. (I referred her to my friend Karen, who has WAY more patience than I.)

Dear zapperinies … We DON’T have to take every client. Life is SO much easier if you follow this rule: if they don’t believe you … the job is not going to be much fun! Don’t even start!

Actually, I dont mess with my cheeks. At all. I pluck like 2 or 3 hairs from my chin every once in a while. It’s never been more or less. The lighting is fine and even. Dead center of my bathroom. Every time I wash my face to remove my makeup, I notice that my peach fuzz is starting to become more noticeable on the left side of my face than my right. I have never shaved anything on my face in my life. I’m actually very good when it comes to my facial hair. Never have waxed either. Just gentle facial bleach. I am just curious if any other females have ever had that happen before. I’m not concerned or losing sleep over the 2 hairs that pop up on my chin, well not right now anyway.

You are probably experiencing some relatively normal evolution of the hair there. If it changes dramatically, you could consider having your hormones tested. I once had a male client who had hair only on one shoulder, approx 3 hours to clear, and not a single hair on the other shoulder.

Hi :slight_smile: I’ve noticed that I have more hair on one side than another. I think it’s a fairly common thing - people aren’t symmetrical so it doesn’t make sense that hair is either. There’s probably a medical explanation :slight_smile:

Yikes, just called my physician and the receptionist said that my test came back normal. Blah, of course. I’m getting a referral to an endo tomorrow along with a rx for birth control. My ovaries suck. Excruciating periods and I’ve had a huge cyst surgically removed when I was 16. When I saw the extra hair on my left cheek I automatically thought OH GOD, I’m going to grow a beard! Anyway, thank you for the responses. I appreciate it.

From an endocrinoloist’s point of view “Normal” is a pretty big range especially with regards to how much testosterone can be in a female body. Find out what the reading is, and discuss it with the endocrinologist if it’s a concern. Ideally it should be low, but the "Normal range " goes up several hundred. Look at the results and think objectively. And follow the endocrinologists advice. Not ours.


I too am a young female who has had testosterone tested. Mine also falls within the “normal” range. It is higher on the normal range, but still considered normal. My doctors didn’t flinch. Genetically, there are hairy people in my family. I have had ultrasounds to rule out PCOS, and my periods improved dramatically with diet and exercise, no cysts in the past. I also have not had a problem with fertility. I’m at a loss too for my hair problem, but for me it is genetics more than anything. Electrolysis and I will be friends for a long time!

Many of my women clients tell me their testosterone level is high normal or within normal range. These women could be more sensitive to the effects of androgens coming in contact with their hair follicles and they are perfectly healthy. It’s just the way they are made (genetics).

Anyone know how much a free testosterone costs? Or any if theses hirsutism panel tests that are performed?

Being in canada, though I get this test regularly I dont pay for it.But I understand from some of my american friends who also do it the test itself is about $80-$100 each time. Often there is more than just blood serum tetosterone levels and the blood test usually has more thhan just the T-level test. If they are considering an antiandrogen , for example, they might do a liver function test to make sure you can tolerate it. That one I pay for and it’s about $65.
