Happy with my electrolysis

I’m going to a wonderful young lady in Los Angeles who works with her mother in a secluded salon in West Los Angeles. It’s not fancy but these women are total professionals. They take really good care of your face. I am African American women and have been dealing with chin hairs for the past seven years. So you can imagine the damage from plucking, waxing and ingrowns. I have had four sessions and there’s a dramatic improvement. My hairs are still growing in but at a much slower pace. The hairs are becoming less visible (really thin). Let me also add that it isn’t as painful as I was told. I mean, you feel a little burn but it’s not comparable to some thing like getting a tattoo. It could be just that the lady I work with is educated about the procedure and very gentle. The first day after the treatment my skin is irritated. It looks a little bumpy but I just don’t plans for that evening. Oh let me not forget to warn you, your chin will be a little swollen. But again just don’t plan a date for that evening. I haven’t had any scarring but I do apply neosporin to my chin to prevent it. I’m getting microderabrasions with them too, for the black spots caused by plucking. I can tell by the next three treatments it will be the end my hair trouble. Trust me I had a full beard from ear to ear, it works. I had to inform someone, so that they don’t have to go from person to person. You can get it right the first time. You can reach these women at Layla’s Electrolysis & Skin Essentials. Their rate is about $65 an hour. If you need alot of work just do an hour each week or twice a week. Start shaving now do not pluck again. This is important because your hairs grow in cycles, so you want to be able to have at least one full cycle of hair visible before you start. It will save you money too!!Call them @310 820-1320 address 12304 Santa Monica Blvd St#107

Roses: Does Lalays work on men?

Hello Barrister,

I apologize for it taking me so long to write back. I just got back from a session with Layla in Los Angels. I live in Diego now. Well to answer your question, yes, she does do men. Men are a large precentage of her clientel. I initally got her information from a website devoted to the removal of men’s facial hair only. It was called the tsroadmap. I figured if she could remove a full beard of a man successsfully and receive reccomendations than she must be alright. Especially in a place as appearance crazy as Los Angeles. But to make a long story short, yes she has done wonderful work on men as well.


The more skilled the operator, the better the equipment utilized, the more comfortable the treatment will be, and the less the post treatment irritation will be.

I must caution that Neosporin is something that many people are allergic to, so please do the patch test, if you use this product.

I have always said that if a person has had a tattoo, it is totally irrational to fear electrolysis.

Thanks for posting your experience, and helping us to answer the most frequently asked question here… “Who is good in My City?”

Should you look for someone in Diego, please give us the results of your quest there as well.

Thank you. I really just wanted someone else to have the benefit of a referral. I consider myself very honest and very serious when it comes to my face. I hope this information will benefit someone else on hair tell. Thanks again James Walker.

Thanks for sharing this! Glad we could help here!