Happy Birthday Seana!

Hope you and yours have had a wonderful day.

Many people here never take the time to say thank you personally, but many of us want you to know that you are appreciated, and this place would not be the same without you these days.

We would have sent cake, flowers, gifts and money but, we could not find the address of the Canadian Zap-Cave. :wink:

Best Wishes

Happy Birthday Seana!! Hope your hair killing business is going well.

Thanks Guys,

I must have done something really wrong in a past life to face the amount of crap life chose to throw at me yesterday.Nothing has killed me yet, so I guess I should be getting stronger.

The zapping business,however, has been the one area, things have gone extremely well.I want to talk a little bit about my recent successes, just because some of them are so incredibly positive.

As some of you know. last December I went to work for Time For You Electrolysis.
Electrolysis is an uncontrolled medium in Ontario, and I had been practising primarily on transgender clients from my home for a couple years. It was over a year prior that Veronica asked me to join her in partnership at Time for You Electrolysis. Iā€™d already developed a considerable reputation even then.

Since December my situation has changed drastically. Veronica has worked me into her business. One of the biggest things holding me back, was lack of childcare for my autistic child. Iā€™m a single and sole parent, and this meant limiting my working hours to times he is in school, the worst times to be available as an electrologist. Despite this, with my partners careful marketing, I have managed to develop a considerable and regular clientƃĀØle, nearly filling the working hours I had available.

Time For YOu Electrolysis has also paid for my certification as an electrologist with Swansons School of Electrolysis through a distance learning program, as well as forgoing all practical fees, and Veronica herself has acted as practical instructor in a 500 hour program I hope to complete later this month.

We did have one issue, and that was the size of our facility, which did not allow Veronica and I to work side by side. This also limited the hours I could work. Iā€™m delighted to say, that on July 1 weekend, Time for You Electrolysis will be moving into a brand new suite of offices while the rest of the world enjoys canada day weekend. Veronica and I met with the landlord yesterday and the walls are now being relocated to kit the space out to our exact specifications.

Veronica will be going on maternity leave late this year, and is entrusting me to work with other electrologists being currently hired to keep the business afloat while she is away.
In the same time period from December until now Veronica has taken me from almost zero knowledge of working in pure thermolysis, to my current skill level where I use a Paltinum pure with this modality on a daily basis.I for many years limited myself to blend, and I have Veronica to thank for improving my skills from zero in thermolysis.

When you tally up how is it going , I have zero to complain about:
I will finally pay off the amount paid for my tuition by Time For You within probably a month. I will be graduating as a CE with a 500 hour course under my belt. I have a now extablished, and full clientele, and more work than I can handle when Veronica goes on leave . I have full time office space to work from that will never limit when I can work ( assuming I get childcare) . I would say ll things considered that sying my ā€œhair zappingā€ business has gone well, would be an extreme understatement, and I have to relay the many ways in which my partner has assisted with this, even putting up with my goofups on regular occasion.

I also have benefitted from the mentorship and support of many professional electrologists here, including James, Dee Fahey, Josepha, Emancipated Elected and many many others on hairtell who have helped me over this journey.
So yes, things are going VERY VERY well fenix, and thank you for asking!


Happy Birthday Seanaā€¦love your posts, Iā€™ve learned so much from you. ā€¦ Have a great day. :slight_smile: