To me being hairy seems to be the worst thing a person could be. I am a 17 year old male with LOTS of hair, i have hair everywhere and lots of them. Chest, abdonminals, back, legs, arms, neck. Ive been having this problem since the age of 14. The hair are controlling my life, i am unable to do a lot of enjoyable things. They are closing a lot of oppututies for me. I know a lot of the people that come to this site have similar problems as me. But is there hope for me, Will i be able to go simming, and to the beach?,please give me some feedback
p.s. I am thinking of gettin laser treatment, i would be happy with just all the hair on my upper body to disapper. Legs dont seem to be bothering me much, i just wana be able to take my shirt off lol
[ June 13, 2004, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: Kurupteddesi ]