Small Hairy Ears: Requesting advice for electrolysis treatment plan!
I have a healthy 50 y/o male with small ears with
coarse black hair growth on auricle, helix,
mostly around outer cartilage.
Ears have little fat and cartilage is prominent.
We have done short 20 minute sessions per ear.
Topical anesthetic of BLT, 20%-8%-8% for 30 minutes prior
To procedure.
Even with topical, client has significant discomfort,.
Insertions are smooth, visuals with surgical loupes
He has pain brief pain 7 on 10 scale.
I use the Evolution 7 by silhouette tone
Ballet gold f2 or ballet insulated f2
Settings for ears: thermolysis, T 0.16, INT 90%
These are presets on machine.
Have also tried blend, which he does not tolerate.
Skin without significant problems. Looks good after
Treatment full clearance.
After 4 sessions, 4-5 weeks I have not seen decrease in
I would appreciate any advice or insight you all could
Give me.
Thanks in advance
I am not sure what strategy to use next.