Hi well here is my situaution. I seem to have a lot of hair growth on the upper part of my cheeks, goes right the way up to just below my eyes. I didn’t want to shave, as i didn’t want my stubble going that far up. So i started plucking this hair away about 6 or 7 years ago. I pluck twice a week, as the hair seems to be coming back quicker now, and it takes about an hr each time to pluck the cheeks. Anyway i’m finding the hair is coming back quicker, and a lot coraser, and there seems to be some scarring there as well now. I’m also finding that a lto f the time, the hair just won’t get fully plucked so what i’m left with is little black dots, where the hair has snapped. I have tried exfoliating, and am now at the end of my tether. I can’t afford laser hair removal, and the plucking and scarring is becoming too much for me. Any idea or help on what i should do would me much appreciated, many thanks.
What i should add is that i don’t mind the plucking, if anyone knows of any products that will reduce the scarring, or techniques, that pluck all the hair and don’t leave the balck dots on top of or under the skin. Thanks.