Hairs growing from the same root

Hey guys

Ive recently noticed on my legs, chest and arms that ive got some hairs that have grown from the same root. I mean usually the hairs are evenly spaced out right but there are some patches where there seems to be thicker hair and when i looked closely there was 2 hairs coming from either the same root or immediately adjacent to it. When i shave it makes it looks disgusting! Is this normal?

Yeah don’t worry; you aren’t abnormal. A lot of people have those. I have some roots that have THREE hairs coming out of the same spot.

after searching ive managed to find some roots with 3 hairs coming from them!! im so happy!! lol jks

But how do i get rid of these because when i shave or trim, they look really nasty and thick as stubble.I got the most of them on my arm and some on chest.

stubble is an unavoidable factor when it comes to shaving. Even if you get a close shave, a day later…you’ll be dealing with those tiny blunt ends.

granted…stubble with one hair from a single root is pretty bad…

but, I fully agree, stubble with multiple hairs from a single root looks worse.

I imagine you have two options here (someone with more experience can correct me if I’m wrong):

  1. trim the hair instead of shaving it. Leave it maybe a half inch or an inch long. This way your body hair is undercontrol and somewhat neater. stubble is no longer an issue.

  2. if you want smooth clear skin…look into laser hair removal. particularly if you have a light skin tones and dark hair. (although the process is said to be effective for everyone now…with varying degrees of success)

Take a tweezer and pull those hairs out. Hopefully multiple hairs wont grow again

Hi 123rocky

Hair will often do exactly what you say and grow multiple follicles from the same root. Using tweezers may help a bit, but electrolysis is the best remedy for this. It’s expensive, but quality always is. Good luck.
