Danka! … all of you nice peoplesss out there in “hairland!”
Here’s another look at the “problem” hairline. (Just some thoughts for my fellow “zaperoids.”)
I had the guy go about his normal activities for the day to see how his hair “lays” naturally. See, you can comb the hair to make it look good, but it doesn’t stay that way. I thought it would be best to see where the hair “wants” to go and leave it alone.
The client wanted to remove all the neck hair to make a straight line. (If you draw a line from the bottom of the ears straight across, that’s what he was considering.) You can see the thick triangle of head hair in the middle, that is off-center, and that would probably end up looking pretty bad were I to implement the client’s wishes.
Looking at these photos was helpful for him too, and he’s “sort of” decided to stay with what I’ve done. (He did NOT like what I’d done at first.) Still, I might raise and shape the neckline only a tad.
I’m going to leave this alone for a week so the swelling goes down and the skin normalizes (and he can live with it) … and then re-evaluate and do some final adjustments. We also have to consider that he has a long neck, and raising the hairline would accentuate this feature.
I always use a LOT of caution with hairlines and eyebrows, etc. (I get scared!): these can be awful if you screw it up. It’s that darn “permanent thing!”