free consultation- a scam?

i just set up a free consultation through a site called
i gave them some of my info, and then they called to set up an appointment in my area

should i not have given out my info? has anyone used these people before? they said their closest clinic to me is in burbank, ca, about 15 min. from me, so i’m going there.

is this a fine organization just trying to get some new clientele? or am i being had in any way?

Well, you’re not really asking the right questions. All clinics do free consultations, so that’s nothing unique. What you should be concerned about is the type of laser they use and whether it’s best for your skin type (many clinics will tell you theirs is best even if it’s not). I’ve never heard of this specific company, but maybe they set up appts with various partner clinics in the area for a fee if you sign up for treatments. Can you find out the name of the clinic in addition to the laser types they have? That would be a good start.

There are literally hundreds of clinics in LA, and several recommendations on this forum. So there is really no reason to jump into anything at your consultation btw. Take this slow and do your research if you want to get good results.

thank you so much for your reply
i’ve been trying to find recommendations on this site for the l.a. area, but when i try searching i get swamped with a bunch of unrelated posts
where should i look for these recommendations?

i have light skin (somewhere between type I and II i believe) with dark hair, so i’d be looking for an alexandrite laser, preferably, correct?

Yeah, an alex laser would be perfect for you. Make sure the hair you’re treating is coarse/thick. Dark hair isn’t enough, it needs to be thick like underarm hair or lower leg hair for best results. :slight_smile: Good luck!

It’s bikini so it’s definitely thick and coarse enough

If you scroll up and click on “Forums” at the top, you’ll see a specific forum for LHR recommendations. There is an LA thread there.

You can also use the Advanced Search function at the top right of this screen and search for “Los Angeles” under “Laser Hair Removal” and expand to 2-3 years.

You have lots of options in LA. Many clinics use an Alexandrite. I went to Dr Babapour. Another recommend clinic here is Dr Hamilton. There is also another one in Downtown LA…I forget the name, but it’s listed in the recommendations forum.

You’ll have really great results then. I’m similar to your coloring and use an alexandrite laser, and I have already had really pleasing results in 2 sessions (had my third session a couple of days ago).

I don’t think this consultation company is a scam, but I don’t think you need them. It will only slow you down, since you can get a list of tons of places through the candela website (they make the GentleLASE), or even through our forum or google. There’s no harm in going to the consultation, but don’t let them pressure you to pick one of their partnering companies. I’m am very sure they get a kick-back payment from any company they can successfully refer you to, so they are probably very biased.