HairFREE No1 hair remover and growth retardant ?

Hello Andrea & Forum members:

Any information known for a product called “HairFREE” No1 hair remover and growth retardant, by Nagoya Life Sciences Inc.

[link removed]

I have used the HairTell search engine, but could not locate anything so I thought maybe it is new as it claims.

The website states 60 day 100% refund policy with R.M.A. returned full or empty tubes.

Customer service was responsive to a question asked and replied with a promo code discount enclosed.

They make claims it can be used on all areas except Membrane skin areas.

HairFree active ingredients:

Guar gum, Mercaptoacetic Acid, Propylene Glycol, White Oil, Vaseline, KOH, Steary Alcohol, Calcium Oxide, Growth Shield Factor 2:0, Lauryl Isoquinolinium, Bromide, Aloe Vera.
(list from website, not packaging)
(no list of inactive ingredients)

After my research here could not locate anything, I wanted to post this here for review as it sounds to good to be true.
I have not ordered or used this product.

What an awesome site. Thanks Andrea and All the fantastic supporting contributors / users.

Thanks, dino

as it sounds to good to be true.

If it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Sounds like old time “hair tonic”

^ What they said

Reading what’s in the link, it’s all aimed at men, it keeps emphasizing “for men” … Why is that? Wouldn’t that cream work on woman also?

I’d be tempted to buy it if I was desperate… There was a time, (before the Internet) I’d see advertising on TV and in magazines for “permanent” hair removal products and be taken in by them and order… I must have spent a fortune on snake-oils!