Hair resisting the treatment after a few months?

Hi everyone, I’m so happy I found this website as I am very desperate to get advice on my issue. I am a 25 year old black woman getting electrolysis treatments on my chest area and stomach. Sorry this is very long and a l have tried my best to explain this as clearly as I could.

I started Electrolysis on my stomach in August 2021. The first electrologist I went to was using the thermolysis which was extremely painful. In September I went to another lady who I believe was using the blend technique but only keeps the needle in my skin for around 2 seconds max. She started by using a low setting which she raised gradually. The treatment worked and I could see progress very quickly until January. I also used numbing cream before every treatment.

But after January I started feeling more and more plucking during every session. One day she zapped all my hair at once and then could not even remove any of them and I had to get another session during which she used a slightly higher setting but I could feel a lot of plucking. Then after I started questioning her she tried the Galvanic machine (with the needle in my skin for 2 seconds still) which only worked once and after that she was back to plucking my hair. A lot of my hair ended up growing back and my skin was full of ingrown hair but she would tell me that it’s normal.

Because of all these issues I went to my current electrologist in February to treat my chest area. She also uses the blend technique but the needle stays in my skin for 5 seconds (until the machine beeps). She has also started treating my stomach in May 2022.
Most of my hair on my boobs have now become very fine and most of them don’t need to be treated every two weeks. My hair on my stomach are also getting there too. I never get ingrown hairs on my boobs but I have been getting a few on my stomach.

During today’s session, I could feel some tugging and some hair breaking mainly on my stomach but also a couple of times of my boobs. I feel like I am going back to the first situation when my hair would resist the treatment. Does anyone know why is this happening? And know how this could be fixed? I would be very grateful for any advice. I have my next session in 2 weeks and I will talk to my electrologist too.

Thank you so much for reading

“ … [she] tried the Galvanic machine (with the needle in my skin for 2 seconds) … “ No way Galvanic will work in 2-seconds.

“ … [electrologist] who I believe was using the blend technique but only keeps the needle in my skin for around 2 seconds max,” If she’s actually doing blend in 2-secodns, she is really doing thermolysis.

“ … A lot of my hair ended up growing back and my skin was full of ingrown hair but she would tell me that it’s normal.” Not normal! Bad treatment! Classic under-treatment … INGROWN HAIRS as a result of not killing the follicle.

“ … She also uses the blend technique but the needle stays in my skin for 5 seconds (until the machine beeps).” A true blend operator will not be guided by the machine “beeping” and instead by the smooth release of the hair and condition of the skin … what they SEE … it may take 4-5-6-7-8-9-10 seconds or more. No machine can see the skin. Using timing with “the blend” may be just fine, but it’s not the blend method.

You’re getting some really sub-standard work, unfortunately. On a man’s back, with thousands of hairs, we MIGHT see about 10 ingrown hairs in total (from follicles we insufficiently treated).

Principle #1

Accurate insertions are needed, especially for thermolysis. Blend and galvanic are little more forgiving, but it’s still desirable.

Principle #2

There should be no tugging, traction, pulling, tweezing sensation when a hair has been thoroughly and properly treated or you may get too much regrowth and ingrowns. The properly treated hair must lift out easily (like butter), with a full glistening hair present. This provides evidence that the follicle has most certainly been disabled.

There are challenges if the hair is curvy. Scheduling appointments every two weeks if one can get a full, first clearance is very helpful to catch those new, fragile straight hairs emerging before they become curvy, “alphabet” shaped hairs that are more tricky.

It’s hard to find good electrolysis care because it is a very technically difficult process to do well. If certainly principles are adhered to, you will get permanent hair removal. I do think most training programs stress these guidelines, but it appears that they don’t stress them enough? Mine didn’t. Thank GOD for the internet and the forums I joined over the years to drive that concept home for me.

Thank you for your answer. I will talk to my electrologist and suggest to keep the needle in my skin for a longer time and hopefully it will work.

Thank you for the advice