Hair Removal Surgery?

I don’t know where else to post this, so I posted it in this forum. I seen that men with hairloss problems can get hair removed surgically from the back of their head and transfer it to the balding areas in the front. If hair can be removed for this procedure, then why can’t doctors just remove all unwanted hair surgically?

Hi Janet:

What they are actually doing in the hair transplant procedure you mention is cutting a strip of scalp from the back of the head.

They then dissect that into little bunches called follicular units which they insert into the scalp in the recipient area.

The problem is it leaves a scar at the back of the head
which is covered by hair from the back of the head. If they tried removing hair surgically by removing the skin which it is growing on you would have a lot of scarring and require skin grafts to replace the skin which is removed.
We are talking a surgical nightmare which would cause more damage than keeping the hair.

The hair transplant procedure mentioned above costs 10 thousand dollars.
