Hair removal questions

Hi, I had a test patch done a few months ago and am thinking about going for the full treatment (man’s back). The place was recommended by a doctor. There is a doctor who works there and the procedure is performed by registered nurses. It’s a bit pricey but I think it will be a good place to go.

Hair grew back slower in the test patch area: there was a noticeable difference in the amount of hair in that area for about 2 months, but now it is back to normal. Is this expected after a first treatment? I figured there would still be a noticeable difference a few months after, even with one treatment, but maybe I am wrong about this.

Another concern is that I may be going away for a few months this summer. Will that interfere with my treatment or will I able to take that long of time off and go back once I return home?


If you can have at least 3 sessions done on your back before the summer, that would be best. You can then take off for the summer and start again in the fall without much decrease in efficacy of your treatment.

Romeo, if one wanted to reduce the density of their body hair, say on their chest and stomach region, and not get rid of it entirely, what would be the protocol to accomplish this? My impression from reading this site is that it when it comes to laser hair removal, it is all or nothing. Just curious.

Met, 4 sessions, spaced 8 weeks apart should do it.

Romeo, is there a particular laser that works better than others when it comes to reduction, assuming light skin and dark hair? I have also heard about patchiness. Is this an issue with reduction?

Any Alexandrite laser should do. Patchiness is not a problem as long as you are being treated by a good technician.

Thanks for your reply Romeo.

Does anyone know if I should see a lasting reduction after one session? Because the hair removed for my test spot seems to have all returned.

After one test spot on a man’s back, it is unlikely that you will see long lasting reduction on the area treated, unless you keep zapping the area in pre prescribed periods.

Nothing can provide full permanent hair removal with only ONE treatment. (even life threatening radiation can’t kill all the hair in one shot)

Generally, how many sessions would it take before there is some permancy in hair loss? I would imagine that the type of laser used and the power setting that is used would impact the results greatly. I know someone who had two laser treatments and claims that the hair never grew back. Based upon what I have learned from this forum, it does not seem possible. I know everyone reacts differently so maybe it is possible.

Usually 4 sessions spaced 6-8 weeks apart, sometimes as much as 10-12 weeks apart will start showing some permanency. however, the recommended regimen in our facility is 6-8 sessions.

James: I was not expecting full permanent hair removal. I thought there would be some reduction but when I compare the area on the other side of my back to the one where the test patch was done they currently have the same amount of hair.

Hi, can I please have some more opinions. I am still unsure about a couple things:

The LHR place told me it would be ok if I waited longer than the 6-8 recommended weeks. What kind of difference is there if I wait longer (maybe >4months after my 3rd treatment). Why the 8 week upper bound?

Why does one treatment not show any hair reduction at all after a couple of months? I understand it only kills hair in active growth, so I figured there would be at least a bit of reduction from eliminating those hairs.

Thank you.

You have three times the amount of hair than what you see at one time. It’s not all at the surface for you to see at one time. That is why hair growth cycles are so confusing to the consumer.

Did you read the laser faq’s at the top of the page on the laser forum? This explains timing of appointments. Test spots don’t tell the whole story. That same spot would need several more treatments before you could arrive at a specific conclusion.

Hi, thanks for the response.

I read the FAQ and I understand that you need multiple treatments because you can only kill the active follicles. What I am not sure about is why you cannot see a difference after one treatment since you would less active follicles to grow hair with.

Say I have 9 follicles with hair and 3 are active when I get my laser treatment. Shouldn’t I now only grow back 6 hairs?

Yes, but those 6 hairs may NOT cycle in all together at the same time over 9-12 months.

Thank you for your information.