Hair removal myths,PCOS, electrolysis

Can the experts here clarify if it’s a myth that hair folliculles can only be destroyed in anagen phase?
And how should one prepare for laser and electrolysis hair removal? How many weeks before should one shave before treatment?
I pluck my facial hair and epilate my legs.

I have been taking Spironolactone, and it has had an effect on facial hair (still have to pluck everyday), but stopped taking it few days ago because of side effects.
So should I wait some weeks or months until I get a full growth because facial hair is now reduced.
And would the hair come back since I’m not taking any anti androgens.

Hair can be disabled permanently in the anagen, catagen and telogen phase. It is best for body or facial hair to leave the hair alone for 4-6 months and then go for a complete, full clearance every 3-6 weeks in the beginning. If this cannot be done, then for electrolysis, we need a couple days worth of growth to see it so we can zap it and then lift it out to discard it. Exfoliating before a session, is helpful to remove flakiness or trapped hairs. Absolutely no tweezing or epilating from the moment you start electrolysis. You may clip or shave, though.
For laser, no sun or tanning beds. The skin should be as pale as possible. The area needs to shaved prior to getting laser. You don’t want the energy wasted on the hair above the skin.

You won’t need to take medication anymore once your hair removal starts. Try not to tamper with the hair. Let it come forward in a “drip, drip” fashion and stay true to a schedule to zap hair as it comes to the surface over 12?, 14?, 16?, 18?, 24? months. You will eventually run out of hair follicles to treat.

Not sure if If understood it right :thinking:
Am I suppose to shave for these 4-6 months?
I want to do electrolysis on the face, would shaving a day or two prior to treatment be enough?
How do I go around with a beard? So embarrasing :cry:

I realize that people cannot let the hair grow on their face, so that’s why I included the above quote in my original post. Not tampering with the hair is best, but we must be realistic. Yes, you can shave or clip so you can face other people without embarrassment.

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I already said above that we need a couple days of growth, so no shaving for two days prior to an electrolysis treatment.

Here’s the difference. When you shave, wax, or pluck it gives you temporary relief from THAT HAIR.
If you are shaving a couple days before the appointment , then the only hairs that wil grow out to be removed are anagen hairs . Catagen or telogen hairs will be missed therefore. Since we can kill hair in anagen catagen or telogen, these hairs are missed opportunities. So Dee is right, if possible, leave the hairs on your face alone for 4-5 months prior to electrolysis treatment. Then clear all the hair regardless of stage, and set up a schedule to treat new growth AS IT COMES OUT. I tend to recommend weekly appointments for this .However ifyou simply cant exist without shaving half the week, go ahead, shave the hairs. Realize however that catagen and telogen hairs will be unavailable to us for treatment, and this WILL mean that you must do electrolysis over a longer period of time to compensate for the hairs we cant treat the first time.

Spironolactone if it has been prescribed to you, is a useful tool in stopping the production of new hair that will be generated But those follicles already generating a hair will CONTINUE to generate hairs until they are destroyed. The testosterone produced by PCOS stimulates the hair follicles into a hair bearing state, but once that job is done, testosterone levels have no effect on whether a hair will be produced by that follicle.The hair keeps on coming.PCOS is a very difficult condition to overcome, and urge you to reconsider whether the side effects of spiro are enough to warrant discontinuing usage. I take spironolactone every day, and have for 14 years.It DOES cause some issues ( leg cramping, dizzyness standing up ) but the consequences of NOT taking it are enough to overcome these issues.Perhaps another option might be to have the doseage reduced.


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I see.
Aproximately how much longer would the treatment take if the catagen and telogen hairs are missed the first time?
I don’t think I go without shaving or plucking for 4-6 months.

We cant say exactly how long it will be delayed, there are a number of other factors including sill of the electrologist, whether the client is getting enough treatment to treat all the hairs etc.What we do know is some hair fllicles may not produce a hair for a year , and so if we “miss our chance” by not being abble to treat catagen or telogen hairs, then we are waiting at LEAST that long for them to return.
As for not being able to go without shaving, the point is we are setting up regular appointments to remove the new growth anyway, negating the necessity of shaving , because the new growth is removed weekly ( or sometimes even more often) .

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Thank you very much!
Now it’s clear to me.

Hello, Nitaxh,
hair follicles can be destroyed at any stage, provide that there is correct intensity.

Hi Nitaxh,

I see a few pros have shared about electrolysis. The process is a little different if you go the route of laser hair removal. It is less invasive and faster than electrolysis but may likely never give 100% clearance - but for my clients who have experienced both it gives a more than satisfying result of permanent hair reduction. And yes, we can only eliminate hair in the active growing phase with the laser which is why we will give a number of sessions. I am not a doctor, but many of my clients who take Spironolactone are pleased with the improvement. I would stop plucking (waxing/tweezing/threading) immediately if you can as you will have an easier transition into professional hair removal treatments if you’ve stopped pulling the bulbs and are just trimming on the surface. I wish you all the best! Stay encouraged, it can get done to your satisfaction :slight_smile: