Hi All. I am 23 y/o female. I have facial hair on my upper lips. I feel embarrassed with my look and stay depressed all the time. It is affecting my life.
After reading this website, I found that electrolysis is the best way get rid of facial hair. But no electrologist exists where I live (Bangladesh). Can anyone discuss about other options.
I read somewhere that it is possible to treat the growth of facial hair with oral medication (like hormone treatment). Can someone talk about this more in detail? Do I need to take the medication for rest of my life? What are the possible side effect? Will this make me gain weight or loose breast size?
To get rid of the existing hair, what is the best option (beside electrolysis)? I read waxing results in ingrown hair. How about hair disolving creams? Will they create a shadow (like when guys shave) on my lips. Does creams go the base of the hairs?
I would really appreciate this forum’s help. I lost interst in good things in my life.