You should not pluck or wax between treatments. If you do so you’ll be setting yourself back in progress with your electrolysis. Personally around here it’s about $1.25-$1.50 per minute. If you call a place and ask how much they charge they’ll tell you
Hi Malia:
I am getting that area done with electrolysis and it
is working well. You would need to get the area cleared through electrolysis and then maintain regular clearances
as any treated hairs that may come back or hairs that
were in the resting phase grow. A percentage of the hairs
are killed on the first go and a percentage will grow
back thiner and weaker.
I would definitely not pluck for a couple of reasons.
-It defeats the purpose of having electrolysis.
-It can cause distorted follicles which will make it
harder to treat the hair with elctrolysis.
Fees vary but I will say between 60-100 dollars/hr.
It is cheaper to book an hour than two half hour sessions.
They also usually charge more for two 15 minute sessions
than a half hour. In other words it is cheaper to book
a full hour.
Believe me I know how you feel about having hair there
since it disgusts me having some there myself.
You are not alone.
Many electrologists can remove those 40 hairs that are seen today in one session. For the first clearance, I would think and hope that it should cost less than $60. From that point, you need to go in about every three to four weeks to treat [size:20pt]NEW[/size] hair that comes to the surface. Get cleared every time. Go about once a month and you will be finished in about 9-12 with a competent electrologist. Blend electrolysis is very nice for this area, but the faster forms of thermolysis work very, very well, too.
You will love this. I think it is a very easy area to do and you will be hitting yourself in the head when it’s over wondering why you didn’t do this a long time ago. FIND A COMPETENT ELECTROLOGIST.
“find a competent electrologist”. FIND A COMPETENT DOCCTOR, OR PLASTIC SURGEON, OR OBSTETRICIAN, OR ANYTHING. The patient does not know anything about electrolysis. She is at the same mercy of the doctor when she tries to find a competent doctor. Somewhere in this WORLD there is THE WORST DOCTOR IN THE WORLD. The fact he/se is still in practice means HIS PATIENTS LOVE HIM. They have no way of determining the doctors capability any more than it is possible for an electrologist to know how “great” any other electrologist is. All work is done in private so all you know is what you hear from other patients. Are you ALL GREAT ELECTROLOGISTS? DID ALL OF YOU GRADUATE AT THE TOP OF THE CLASS? DO ALL OF YOU HAVE A LICENSE? DOES YOUR STATE HAVE STRICT REQUIREMENTS? (SHALL I KEEP IT UP) THINK ABOUT IT.
Someone didn’t take their medication today.
I also have long soft hair growing on the areola area of my breasts. I’ve had this for a long time and my mother had it as well.
It’s interesting to see what kind of hair bothers some people and what doesn’t.
My ex-husband didn’t like the hair on my nipples and encouraged me to trim it or go for electroloysis. (He also ridiculed me for going to electrolysis and would taunt me with remarks such as “Going for your shave?”) I was hesitant because it didn’t really bother me at all. No one saw it except the two of us.
Husband #2, my current spouse, doesn’t mind the hair one bit so I chose to do absolutely nothing about it.
Compared to my other excess hair probems, hair on my nipples is the least of my worries.
In my excess hair hierarchy, chin hair trumps lip hair, lip hair trumps eyebrow hair, leg and bikini area hair trumps nipple hair. If I only had to worry about leg, bikini and breast hair, I would be one happy camper and thankful for small mercies.
I don’t mean to put down anyone who thinks it’s important and wants to remove it. It just isn’t of any importance to me at all.
It would be nice if more people and the ones that love them were comfortable with their bodies. For the ones that get depressed about excess hair in places they deem unacceptable, at least there are remedies though.
People are always surprised when I say that I am one of those guys who really doesn’t care about it either. Although I would be more than happy to remove my lady’s hairs, I certainly would not ask her to remove any, nor would I ridicule her if she did not (and I would certainly not give her grief over it while she is getting rid of it).
WoW, some guys are such jerks.
Of course, that is only one reason why he is your EX-HUSBAND
I do not need meds because I can vent it out here. I do not know what I would do without all of youse. I can’t talk to patients this way because they do not understand the whole process even after reading the experiences of other patients.
Come, again?
Interesting. Because I know exactly what I would do without YOUR posts. I would save several hours of my time a month.
My name is on each one. Therefore, do not read it.
Can you find anything technically INCORRECT? If you can…What is it ? So we can ALL learn together. Inform us or stop your bellyaching.