I keep track of time lines and numbers for certain cases so as to help clients understand what is required to reach their goals for permanent hair removal. People naturally want answers to the how long? and how much? questions. We cant be precise, but we can give examples of what other cases look like.
Here is the profile of one of my female arm cases, defined as hair removal with MicroFlash (Silhouet-Tone VMC) and now PicoFlash thermolysis (Apilus Platinum), from the fingers, hands, forearms and upper arms in a 48 year woman.
She has had 21 treatments since August 30, 2007. She saw me 2 times in Sept. 2007, 3X in Oct., 2007, 2X in Nov., 2007,2X in Dec., 2007, 2X in Jan., 2008, 2X in Feb., 2008, 2X in March, 2008, 1X in April, 2008. She skipped May, June, July, August of 2008. She re-started treatment in Sept., 2008 and had 2 treatments, skipped October, had 1 treatment in Nov., 2008, skipped Dec., 2008 and just recently saw me January 12, 2009.
Her totals to date:
She has invested 31 hours of her time so far, but she was cleared of hair on both arms after five sessions totaling 9 hours. For the next 16 appointments, up to the present time, she was cleared of hair everytime she left the office. We have done 20,747 insertions since August 30, 2007. She is finished by all definitions, and really has been since November of 2008. Last appointment consisted of getting sporadic hairs on both extremities that she wanted removed, but were really of no consequence to the human eye. Barely noticable. She has invested $2,085.64 to have permanent hair REMOVAL on both arms from fingers to shoulders. I would describe her hair as medium to fine long, dark hair when she presented for that first appointment. Her arms are bare and the skin looks fabulous. The sensation factor was nothing of consequence, didn’t hurt very much.
She had no other recourse but to remove this hair permanently with electrolysis, as laser would not have fully accomplished the job because her hairs were not the coarse, dark variety. It was electrolysis, or nothing. The decision was easy.
This project would have been completed in about year or 14 months, if she had not taken the summer off from May 2008 - August 2008. Many people say it would take forever to have electrolysis on large areas, to which I ask, is a year to 18 months forever?
Her average session was about 1.5- 2 hours for each arm and then as we neared the end, both arms could be fully cleared in the SAME amount of time.
When the faster forms of thermolysis, such as MicroFlash and PicoFlash are performed with a complient client that follows advice, then permanent hair removal is obtained. Those are the numbers for THIS client’s hair thumbprint. If someone has less active follicles or only wants the forearms thinned, the numbers may be less. If someone has more hair follicles than this client, then the numbers go up, of course. Electrolysis can handle large areas if it performed with the better computerized epilator’s, quality surgical magnification and lighting. Tools used DO MATTER. Last bit of information is, there must be the willingness on the part of the client and the practitioner to go forward and get the job done within a year to year and a half. The concept of getting a first, full clearance and keeping the area cleared by regularly spaced appointments can not be emphasized enough. Fifteen and thirty minute appointments just won’t do it and it ends up costing the client more in the end.
Oh, and there is [size:20pt]NO[/size] patchiness worries.