hair length

It has been mentioned that the electrologist can see new hairs coming out often even before we can, provided that they have good magnification. This being said, how long does a hair need to be to get,1/4 an inch, 1/8 an inch, less?

We need only enough to grasp with the forceps/tweezers. We can treat follicles where the hair can’t be removed, but then one would tend to have infections if the hairs were left in the follicles to be pushed out by the immune response.

Depending on the magnification used, one can work within 24 to 72 hours of the last shave. Obviously, plucking or waxing leaves nothing to regrow for a week or three, so that has to be taken into consideration.

I have to chime in here that my pro zaps hairs I can’t see with my unaided eye. However, when she uses the tweezers sometimes I can see the black root/bulb as it’s removed. Sometimes, I can’t see anything but she assures me a hair has been removed. It’s amazing now that my thick black hair has been cleared in one area how much thinner brown hair was underneath. Holy crap! Good thing I’m getting close to 1000 hairs an hour.

That’s an incredible amount of hair per hour! On a man’s back, I think I have reached that number a couple of times, but I usually fall between 700-900 range, depending on the ingrown hair situation.

Yeah, I guess that number is a pro forma number (as in, if there were no interruptions such as prep, clean up, or dealing with an ingrown).

Still, I’ve kept the data in my head, building up the exponential distribution lambda, or average time between pedal zaps. Tons of times she’s tapping after only 2 seconds, sometimes 3-4, very rarely 5 or more. I’d say the average is like 3.5 seconds, so 17 a minute, or about 1000 per hour pro forma.

The nice thing about Apilus and the newer Silhouet Tone machines is that they actually count how many hairs one actually has removed. the SX-500 and Platinum will even print a ticket with all the day’s treatment results for the client to take home.

Hi, how do I get the overall treatment counts on Apilus Senior machine. I bought a used machine, Apilus did not provide a manual. please help