Phil at the paint store:
I’m doing a full remodel with a tropical/Asian theme to my house (I’m 300m from the beach): the colors have to be just right. Problem is, when confronted with a color chart at the paint store, I have an impossible task; I’m just confused.
But then there’s Phil. He’s been in the business for decades. I explain the color I want to achieve, and he always gets it right. For example, I wanted a sort of “peach” for the living room. I tried “peach” colors myself (actually eleven different times, I painted out an entire wall), and they all looked like a beauty parlor. Phil took a “beige” (horrible color) and dropped in a little of this and that and created the perfect color. Exactly what I wanted. To me, the guy is a genius. I will never pick out a color by myself again.
(Phil asked me about: light exposure, size of the room, color of the floor, lighting, type of furniture … and a bunch of other details … I didn’t ask him to explain himself, because it’s just his expertise.)
The point it, I can’t get colors right. And, for those who are not pro electrologists, trying to have “us” quantify the minutia of our profession is not going to work for you. Do you really want to “measure” hairs?
Furthermore, all drawings are only symbolic representations of reality. I learned this fact when I started doing hair transplants. None of the drawings actually look like a real hair follicle! Even a photo is not quite right. Nothing can take the place of looking at, and fiddling with, a strip of skin with living hair follicles. (When I saw this, I felt like throwing away every drawing I’d ever done.)
Indeed, those of us with years of experience, like Phil at the paint store, have developed a “sixth sense.” All professionals in every field develop this “sense” and it’s pretty hard to describe exactly what we are looking for. It’s like learning a language: at first you study the grammar, but finally you don’t need to think about grammar at all because it becomes natural. It just sounds “right.”
Stuff we just know: We know how a hair should feel when it’s epilated (in all stages of growth). In a field of hairs, we can pick out all the growth stages (without epilating the hair). We can see when the skin has had “enough treatment” for the day. We know when (oh dear GOD!) a scab is the right size (as opposed to those who have never done electrolysis). We can easily pick out the correct size needle (and can actually see a difference in 1/1000 of an inch). We know when you are nearing the end of the treatment cycle and will have permanent results. We can see if you have accelerating hairs (called “shooters”), as opposed to a field of vellus hairs that will never get larger. We can predict the time element of new growth and tell you when to come back. We even know when you probably have a hormone imbalance: and that’s why some of us will push you to go beyond seeing your regular physician.
It’s not magic; it’s just experience. And that, folks, is why you go to a professional.