Hair gone today, back tomorrow?

I’ve always, always had thick coarse black hair (compliments of my father). When I was younger I used nair at first and it would leave my legs feeling itchy and of course smelling like rotten eggs. I’ve always been afraid of waxing because it seems extremely painful. Theres no way I can afford laser hair removal. I’ve tried some electric shaves and those still leave me with stubble even right after I shave. For now I’ve been using Venus Vibrance and some shaving gel. I’ll shave in the morning and by 11pm that night there will be bumpy stubble everywhere. It’s not ingrown hair because it doesn’t hurt or it’s not red. Do most people have this problem? It’s becoming a huge hassle in the summer to shave my legs everyday. What do you suggest?

I had the hair removed on my legs when I was in my early twenties because I despised the shaving and stubble. I’m smooth and comfortable thirty years later thanks to a professional electrologist who did her job well. That would be the final solution with no more hassels, but if you cannnot afford laser then electrolysis may be not be on your short list either. All I’m saying is, that it is a wonderful option.

How much does electrolysis cost?

Depends - everyone charges differently. I have seen an average of 45 to 75 an hour in my area.

That is a question everyone asks,understandably,but the real quest should go deeper:

  Do all electrologists have the skill and have they invested in equipment that will allow them to remove hair in a speedy fashion, destroying hair follicles with tolerable sensation,  while leaving the skin looking as though it was untouched, minus the hair, in the the long-term????????????  

Prices vary from $45 per hour to $100 per hour in the United States. This matters little if you decide to go to a technically slow practitioner who uses out-dated equipment and can’t see well to boot. You will give up most likely and feel there is no hope for your problem.

Where do you live? There may be electrologists living near you that can move the process along so your money is well spent in the shortest amount of time.

So, you see, cost questions are iffy questions because we can’t price electrolysis like we can price a carton of milk or a gallon of galsoline due to all the hidden what if’s and maybe’s.

One thing that I can tell you is, ELECTROLYSIS WORKS for everyone on any area. A skilled, well-trained electrologist with modern tools of the trade who teaches the client in the beginning and along the way and keeps reinforcing these concepts that will make them successful PLUS a motivated client who listens and stays close to the electrogist for about a year, depending on the situation, will win in the end.

Cost is dependent on the above said, but how much hair you have matters, what you did to treat the hair before electrolysis matters, how often you come up front to get to first clearance matters, maintaining that first clearance matters, medication history matters, hormonal environment matters, stress levels matter. All these questions figure into the cost.

Generally speaking, depending on the area and client motivation, the cases I have successfully treated run anywhere from $300 (upper lip) - $4,500 (full man back, upper arms and shoulders) and the time spent with me is anywhere from 9 months to 2 years, with the vast majority of cases falling in the 9-12 month time frame. With those parameters in mind, keep in mind, that this is my personal track record. I use microflash thermolysis, good vision equipment and halogen lighting. I am not rare. There are many electrologists that have set themselves and clients up for success and there are many that have missed the boat and plain don’t care because consumers don’t know any better for the most part, which in turn, eventually brings them to hairtell.


If your hair is coarse and dark and your skin is light, laser would be a better option for such a large area. and considering the fact that you said you can’t afford laser, i doubt you can afford electrolysis either (at least $2K spread over the course of a year for either one).

Also, if the only reason you’re not waxing is because of the pain, I doubt you will want any of the above methods either. However, I would advise trying waxing anyway. It’s not as painful as you are imagining it to be and if this problem really bothers you, you will love having smooth legs for 3-4 weeks after a 20 mins waxing session.

Don’t worry hunnie, waxing doesn’t hurt as much as people make out and it gets easier as you have more sessions, as the hair becomes less dense and more sparsley populated (however, bearing in mind it is not a permanent option) and your skin begins to adapt to the process.
Laser and electrolysis on the other hand are wonderful options. Even 3 - 4 treatments with laser can make a big difference to density of the hair and the amount, making it much easier to shave and can also affect the speed that the hair regrows as it is damaging the follicle (don’t even have to go for the full course of treatments) as long as you have the correct Skin Type etc.

Hope this gets sorted in the future,