I’m quite frustrated with my hair situation as i’m aware many people here are. The thing is i don’t understand, if my skin is very light and my hair is dark (but not as nearly coarse as that of bikini or underarm area), why can’t the laser be effective, since there’s gotta be some melanine that colors hair in dark, otherwise it wouldn’t be that way, it would be blond or something…my body hair (stomach, chest, back) is dark, but not enough for laser i guess…so my question would be, if laser strikes melanine in the hair follicle, why the hair has to be extremely coarse or dark, if there is melanine in every darker hair?
I think i read somewhere on this forum that even though the hair is dark, the root doesn’t have to be - where does the darkness come from then? Did anyone ever had any succes with those not-bikinilike-but-still-dark-enough-to-frustrate hair? I know that you reccomend electrolysis if the hair is not thick, black and coarse, but women remove their upper lip hair with laser, and those are not that dark usually…I don’t expect total removal, but a reduction and lightning in color would make a huge difference in my case. So should i even consider laser? Thanks.