Guys have it rough, too.

I just joined today and I just want to say how much of a relief it is just to see this site here…
I am posting to this forum because I’m terrified of treatments. It seems like everyone is out to scam consumers, not help them. My body hair causes me quite a bit of unhappiness and I’ve never had the courage to try anything but shaving… which I’m sure everyone here knows is annoying, time consuming, and uncomfortable… I have spent quite a bit of time looking into hair removal and thank god I stumbled across… I’m still looking for a solution, and it looks like laser is it. I’m not sure about anything because I’m so afraid of getting scammed. If anyone out there can/will help me by talking with me it’d be great… either that or talking with me here… thank you so much!!!

xain :roll_eyes:

Welcome, Xain!

One of the big surprises that came out of the boom in lasers was how many men sought treatment-- it was far beyond anyone’s expectations at first.

Now that there’s an established market for men, the hair removal scam artists have been going hard at the guys, especially bodybuilders and other types of athletic or body-conscious men. Luckily, the guys aren’t taking these scams lying down, and they’re joining in the fight to get the truth out there!

There are three kinds of people who offer hair removal.

  1. Scam artists/quacks
  2. People using devices that can work, but aren’t very good at using them
  3. People with the tools and talent to help.

The trick with laser is to find someone with the experience and honesty needed to give you proper treatment. This is easier said than done.

Based on consumer experiences, I usually recommend looking into an alexandrite like GentleLASE or a diode (although diodes seem to require extra skill to avoid burns). There are several great posters on the forum who have written about their laser experiences. If you have any questions, ask them on those specific laser forums.

I know it seems like everyone’s out to rip us off, but it’s really only about two dozen companies that cause all the grief in this industry. I’m doing what I can to put them out of business one at a time.

In the meantime, all readers should know there’s help and hope out there. Once you have the FACTS, you can make an informaed decision that will give you a better chance of getting the results you want.

Together, we can all make a difference! :grin:

[ May 28, 2002, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: Andrea ]

Half of my laser practitioner’s customers are men. You have a lot of company.

I have posted on some of the other laser sections on this site about my positive experiences with laser.

I believe that laser is the best hair removal method, at least for me. You have to have dark hair for laser to work and your skin can’t be too tan.

Before I started laser treatments I had so much chest hair that I could hardly see my skin unless I shaved. Now about 90-95% of my hair is gone. Whatever doesn’t grow back within a month is not going to come back. At least that’s been my experience.

I have had very good luck with the Apogee which is an alexandrite laser. I have also been treated with the Apex 800 and the Lightsheer ET which are diode lasers. They have provided excellent results. I believe that the Lightsheer has been the most effective laser and has the best cooling system. I have had less redness and scabbing with it than the Apogee at the same fluence level. The Lightsheer is more powerful so there is more potential for burning and redness so the experience of the practitioner is important.

Good luck in your search for hairlessness!


I know how you feel.

Back hair started showing up on me in my early 20s and has caused me no end of grief.

I avoid any situation where I might have to take off my shirt. This means the beach, gym, boating, swimming pool, etc. So many things I love, I don’t do any more.

It even affects relationships. I myself find back hair disgusting, and I know many women do too. I used to shave, but it’s tough to shave your own back and it’s only a few days before stubble.

I need a permanent solution or a temporary one that’s easy to do. I have a friend that did laser, but is very unhappy with the “patchy” results.

This sucks. :frowning:

I am new to this site. I am not new to laser hair removal. I echo the sentiments that most LHR clinics I have been to didn’t seem concerned about helping me as much as getting their $$. I understand the cost of the equipment is high but the pricing at some places is outrageous. I have been treated at over 5 different clinics (accross the U.S. and Intl.). I have experienced Diode, Candela, NaturaLase, LightShear and other laser types. The results are slow in coming since I can’t afford the series of treatments. I get what I can get when I can afford it. I have spent thousands over three years. Results were temporary at best…I can notice areas where I have to assume the LHR was effective. The cycle won’t stop…save up, get a treatment, enjoy temporary relief (maybe 2 months), spend a lot of time wishing I could afford another treatment and by the time I can you would never be able to tell because of the regrowth and new hairs that have grown. Extremely depressing.

Welcome. Anyone who wants permanent hair removal (electrolysis) or permanent hair reduction (laser) needs to have the money saved and execute a plan that they stay with consistently for 1-1.5 years. There will be variations, depending on amount of hair and area worked on, hormonal climate, medications, etc., but that is a general statement that applies to the vast majority of people.

I didn’t hear enough specifics about your individual plan and have no idea if the laser technicians were caring and knowledgible. What area(s) were you targeting.

All I can say to sum this up is, as a practicing electrologist, I have seen awesome laser outcomes FOR CERTAIN BODY AREAS that need refining with electrolysis in the end. I have also seen pitiful laser failures, especially on womens facial areas that take a year to 18 months to bring under control PERMANENTLY with electrolysis. Talk about spending money! These women spent thousands of dollars on their facial hair with laser, only to come and spend between $1,500 and $2,000 with me for electrolysis which would have been the final solution anyway, without even having laser treatment.

If people want to gamble with the sexy, trendy guy first, they might be happy OR they might end up extremely depressed. One thing for sure is, a lot of laser failures come home to the steady, tried and true friend called electrolysis and they fianly win the battle against unwanted hair.

For either proceedure, you need some money, you need consistency and you need a skilled practitoner with good equipment. Most importantly, you need a personality filled with perserverance and a realistic understanding of how permanent hair removal works best.


Welcome to the forum. It’s hard to help you without more details. You mentioned a bunch of different manufacturers and some specific machines as well as some laser types. You can’t really determine the best approach for your specific situation without understanding the differences and what type of hair is best treated with lasers. Many clinics will tell you that their laser is best no matter what. These are sales pitches and not unbiased opinions in your best interests. It’s good that you found this forum, which is a start. We can help you figure out how to achieve results for your specific situation and whether to go with laser or possibly electrolysis on some areas when you provide more information. Also, please read the FAQs carefully, at the link below.

We need to know:

  • what specific areas you are treating
  • what color, coarseness is your hair on every one of these areas specifically
  • what color is your skin
  • do you see shedding after each treatment on each area