I’m a iranian boy living in Sweden. I have brown skinn and thick black hair and I’m currently undergoing IPL-treatment for my back and shoulders with Medilux from Palomar. I have had 6 treatments, my last 38 days ago, and after every treatment my hair has become thinner and sparser, but mostly thinner. It’s actually VERY thinn and I hopa it will stay that way. Has anybody had this kind of result and has it been long lasting? I have consulted with two independent doctors (one of them a reputated dermatologist here in Sweden) and they both say that the thinning of my hair probably will bee long lasting.
And I would like to know if any guy (not woman) has experienced laser induced hair growth on or near areas treated with laser or IPL? I mean this phenomenon where new hairs grow because of laser.
Sorry for my bad english.