This is a great forum! Thanks for starting it Andrea!
I’ve read through all the posts, and I’ve seen great advice, but I’m wondering about my particular case… (It sounds as though RCJ2001 may be the target on this one!)
I’ve recently lost a ton of weight and body fat, and revolutionized my body image. I’ve never had a problem with body hair as most of it is light and wispy for the most part, even at age 31! (Sorry if that’s a huge bummer for those battling back thick hair! )
However, I get these very common “patches” in the middle of my sternum, inside and below my belly button, and just around the nipple areas consisting of either long, light hair or “sprouts” of whispy dark hairs. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it REALLY looks out of place, sortof like a mildly mangy cat !
I made the mistake(?) of using nair on all the troubled spots (I wish I found this forum before…) and it didn’t work too well, leaving me pretty much bald just in those areas with quite a few “rogue” hairs refusing to budge. So, I shave with my wife’s silk effects to remove the rogues. (felt softof silly using a girl’s purple razor!) Now, a week later, I have pricklies everywhere I shaved, surrounded by bald spots (nair!) surrounded by fine peachfuzz… (I’m only talking about my back/stomach here, as I dont care about the rest…)
I know I’m blabbing, and it doesn’t sound too horrible compared to the other horror stories I’ve heard, but in the sun (where I spend lots of time) I look funny, like I tried too hard!
It sounds like an electric may be the way to go, all over, just to keep everything even… Does that sound right? The hair is really too fine to shave in the shower, as I can’t see it when it’s wet…
This sounds like an RCJ2001 question, as I’m most interested in de-hairing my physique…
Thanks for the great advice, and great posts!!!