Grace Medical Equipment (WARNING!)

Today a reader wrote to say she had purchased a Rejuvenu Super Phaser Gold from these guys.

Grace Medical Equipment
207 South Gum Street Summerville, SC 29483

Tim Hamilton

I get a new address

Grace Medical Equipment
Tim Hamilton
210 South Cedar Street
Summerville, SC 29483
toll free: (866)446-0234
office: (843)851-1182
fax: (843)851-1335

The office number goes to David Smith and Robert Smith, 366 Frankie Ln, Ladson, SC 29456

Robert Smith is Executive Direcor for Goodwill Industries of Lower SC
5640 Rivers Avenue N. Charleston, SC 29406
W ( 843 ) 566-0072
F ( 843 ) 566-0062

The fax number goes to:
A Allen, ( 843 )851 -1182 , , Summerville, SC 29483

From the Customer Service rep at Grace Medical:

Dear Andrea,

I found a posting this morning on your HairTell website stating that our business information is incorrect.

The numbers listed are in fact are our current telephone and fax numbers. I am not quite sure how they would be affiliated with the people listed on the post. We do in fact have a separate billing and physical address.

I am concerned that someone is posting fraudulent information on your website and it is being linked to a product that we have not sold for years.

Please take note of this and act accordingly. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Colleen Large, L.E.
Customer Service
Grace Medical Equipment, Inc.
843-851-1335 Fax
866-446-0234 Toll Free <>

Hi Colleen:

Your office number 843 851-1182 is listed on Google’s phonebook as A Allen, Summerville, SC 29483
Your fax number is listed on Google’s phonebook as David and Robert Smith, 366 Frankie Ln, Ladson, SC 29456

If these are incorrect, you should contact Google about getting the listings changed.

Please confirm whether the following people are connected with Grace Medical Equipment, Inc.

A Allen
Robert Smith
David Smith
Tim Hamilton

Please describe your involvement with International Hair Removal Systems, Rejuvenu, and Super Phaser Gold; namely, when you sold the devices and how many you sold.

Thank you!

Another follow-up:

Hi Andrea,

The only person out of the four you listed that has ever been affiliated with Grace Medical Inc. is Tim Hamilton. I am not familiar with the product and know that it is not a company in which we currently distribute for and have not been for some time.

Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful day.

Colleen Large, L.E.
Customer Service
Grace Medical Equipment, Inc.
843-851-1335 Fax
866-446-0234 Toll Free <>