Good electrologist in Philadelphia?

Hi, does anyone know a good electrologist in the Philly area? I am northwest of Philly, between Pottstown and King of Prussia, and am willing to drive up to an hour or 50 miles. I’d like to go 3-4 times a week for an hour each time.

I prefer the beldn, I guess, from what I have read.


Your location should be in your profile (from your registration form) so people who don’t see this know that this is the area you are looking in.

If you can come up to Buffalo NY for a weekend, or better yet, a 3 day weekend, we would be able to clear out your mask area, and maybe even some of your neck as well. People who want to go at it hard can usually get to first clearance in 3 to 6 days. Warning, clearing out the whole face in a short amount of time involves plenty of swelling for the week after, and you can not spend time in the sun for 3 days to a week afterwards, and you should not wear makeup during that time either.

If I knew someone in your area who could do what I do, I would send you to that person, but I don’t.

Search the referral section, or just put “Philadelphia” in the search engine and see what all comes up.

Hi again James. Thanks! I will try to update my reg. info.

Do you have a website, btw, with info about your practice?

Do you do the blend or multi-needle galvanic? Do you use any pain killers like EMLA?



My practice is set up to do Galvanic, Blend and Thermolysis. Most don’t require pain management, but there are options for those who do.

Believe it or not, I am still to busy/lazy to put together a website for myself, and everyone who has ever said that they would make one for me has never come through. Of course, what would my own personal web page do other than tell you someplace else that I exist, and give you my contact information again? I suppose if I got really ambitious, I could have scheduling macros, and payment kiosk pages, and buttons, and all sorts of things, but for now, it is all I can do to answer questions here in my in between times.

Thanks James!

A website, IMHO, is very important. You can learn so much about yur business there, such as rates, methods used, pain medication, FAQ (for frequent questions, like if it hurts, time to completion), your experience and certifications, what areas of the body you work on, pics of your office or even yourself, why you are better than your competition, etc.

It would really help to market yourself, and I have spent much time on the sites of my local practitioners who do have websites. I learned a lot this way and I feel they have a slight heads-up/advantage when it comes to me choosing soemone!

Everything is so web-based nowadays! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I just wanted to give you my perspective, and am not trying to put you down or anything. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

So your clients really experience little or no pain? I wonder how that is possible, since when I had it done in 1991, it hurt a lot! I could tolerate no more than one hour at a time.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I understand that I loose money every year I don’t have a web page because some people just won’t go to a place that doesn’t have a web site. It is like doing business with a company without a fax machine and an email address.

Of course, electrolysis is a business that can actually get sold out for the year, and if you are at or near that anyway, there is not a lot of incentive to create a situation where you are having to turn away people because you don’t have the time to book them.

As for treatments, my clients get finished faster because they can sit for 3 hours (and more) at a time, and multiple sessions per week. If you email me, I can put you in touch with my latest quick job who has removed over 30,000 hairs in 60 hours spread out over two visits to Buffalo.

Trudy’s Electrolysis For All in Media
Reasonable rates, skilled, and did my genitals [male] with no problem or objection

Ivelina spoke of her work in Philadelphia in her threads

I’ve not been there to give a first hand recommendation, but try the Papillon Center in Doylestown. I can say you will be going to a trans owned and operated clinic, and that reasonably priced electrolysis is available there. You can even have your face numbed ala electrolygy 3000 for a bit extra.


Thanks for helping us fill in the list of who is good, or at least who is actually out there. It is so hard answering the question “Is there anyone good near me?”