Few of you will remember this little beauty, but this was “point zero” of the greatest fraud ever perpetrated in the field of hair removal: DEPILATRON!
Yesterday, Bill Schuler (Hinkel Company) “gifted” me with his electrolysis museum (17 antique machines). Included in this array was the very first Depilatron that was contrived by an East Coast/Connecticut electrologist (Marion Fozzard). By 1975, the thing went viral.
Depilatron was the “Big Bang” of what later became known as the Electronic Tweezers.
All such devices were total frauds, and yet companies such as Deutsche Nemectron made and sold these units (under license). Within a short time, Depilatron went “world wide.”
In 1975, a new (real) electrolysis unit sold for $875. The Depilaton (just an HF unit with a tweezer) sold for $12,000.
This was a very long and sorry story that took decades to resolve; and only by grinding and protracted attrition. Meanwhile this hideous contrivance (and all Electronic Tweezers) cheated countless estheticians and patients with this sly and callous quackery.
Sadly, history DOES have a way of repeating itself, and all of us need to remain vigilant. The frauds, although not as blatant as Depilatron, are still very much with us … and always will be.