Getting ready to go to court! Help

New to this forum and was not to sure which area to post in.

I paid $780… for 3 sessions of laser hair removal in dallas, Texas. I was promised permanent hair removal within 3 treatmenst and should not need more than 6. My husband purchased this for me for xmas 2 years ago. After my 6th treatment I began to question the whole process and started getting a little upset since the hair would completely grow back. That is when things got ugly. I had done some research and I thought I saw somewhere that it is illegal for them to advertise it as permanent. Does anyone know if this is true or not and if so where I can find these laws. I am getting ready to go to mediation in 2 weeks and I need the facts. Honestly it is not the point of the money I feel that they are deceptive and know it and I wanted to be as big as a pain as I could. Especially since I went through several sessions of pain with not one bit of result! Any advice that you have would be appreciated.

Yes, it is illegal for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation to be advertised as PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL, they are only allowed to use the word permanent in the phrase “permanent hair REDUCTION” or “Long Term Hair Reduction”.

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There are links from HairFacts that will give you the FDA and FTC positions on the fraud that is committed when someone advertises LASER as permanent hair REMOVAL.

Can you tell me where you received your laser treatment? I went for my first treatment last month at a clinic in Dallas. I too was told that I’d need somewhere between 3 and 6 treatments. I didn’t notice any fall out and it still hasn’t stopped growing. If this is the same place you had problems, I don’t wanna pay for a second treatment. I went to Nubody of Dallas.

Are you sure they weren’t advertising “permanent reduction”? I can’t believe anybody in the laser business would be stupid enough to advertise “permanent” guaranteed, but hey, there must be some wackos out there.

I hear language used in radio and TV ads for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Hair Removal services that qualifies for FTC and FDA violation on a weekly basis (Daily in the summer). These companies rely on the fact that most people just respond to the fraudulent ad, and don’t clip them from the paper, nor record them from the radio. If one wanted to sue over the fradulent ad, one would have to have a copy of the ad saying “Permanent Hair Removal LASER Hair Removal with The Whatever Laser at Cheatham & Steal’s LASER Empourium. Guaranteed results in 3 treatments or less.”

The thing one actually signs in the office refutes everything fraudulent stated in the deceptive ad in mouse type on the paper you sign when you are told, “Just ok this here stating that I have explained the procedure to you.”

This also allows me to make a point about the level of protection the public receives in this area. The authorities won’t even record a complaint from a consumer on this type of thing without the consumer producing a copy of the fraudulent ad, or a copy of a contract with fraudelent promises in print. Imagine how many consumers have called or written to complain and heard, “Unless you have a copy of the questionable advertisement to attatch to your complaint, we can’t do anything for you.” :mad:

the new way the notorious chain advertises on the radio here is by calling it “lasting hair removal”. bottom line is advertising is meant to exaggerate everything to make you interested enough to come in, at which point they sell you on it. this doesn’t just apply to hair removal. people should in general be cautious about anyone trying to sell them on anything. it’s important to remember one thing: anyone who is profiting from you buying something they are selling is not a good source for truthful unbiased information about whatever that product is. It is truly naive to think otherwise. They are paid to make a sale, not to tell you the truth and especially not the negative information.

p.s. all hair treated should shed within 3 weeks and if you’re looking for an almost complete removal, you will need at least 6-8 treatments. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.

theamazingtif, you should find out the joules that were used on you. you are using a good laser machine and unless they’re undertreating you, you will be fine. you haven’t waited long enough to see if the treatment was effective yet as mentioned in your previous thread.