GentleYAG for pale skin type I/II

Just wanted to get a perspective on how dumb it would be to do 6 sessions of GentleYAG on a very pale person on a large area with coarse hair.

One study seemed to show it would hurt a bit more than other lasers. Will I half die from the pain? I’m guessing I can’t use a pain numbing cream on a large area due to death risk.

I’m thinking of doing brazilian and maybe lower legs. I think it willll hurt! But the price is beyond marvelous… less than one treatment normally costs.

Thoughts? Thanks :slight_smile:

If the hair is very coarse, this laser is fine to use. The settings are what matters most. You should ask what they would use before commiting.

The pain difference, if any, is minimal. Pain primarily depends on how coarse and dense the hair is, which also means that it’s less painful after a few treatments when hair is not as dense and coarse.

Pain shouldn’t be your biggest concern if you’re looking for permanent results. You can use a numbing cream if you really can’t handle it. But most people do just fine.

Some people have said that yag hurts more but to me it feels literally identical to an alexandrite laser. You could fire both on me and I wouldn’t know the difference. Laser isn’t pain free, if you want a pain free experience then this isn’t for you! People have to realize that this is a medical procedure, of course we like to avoid pain but this isn’t like going for a hair cut :slight_smile: You’re permanently altering something on your body.

I’m skin type II with coarse black/brown-black hair, and I had nine Brazilian treatments with the GentleYag.
The good news is that the pain during treatments was comparable to my husband’s current hard wax regimen, so no risk of half dying–hey, I made it through nine! :slight_smile:
The other good news is that it 100% cleared up my long-term problem with boils and carbuncles by the 6th treatment, which is what motivated my reclusive self to strip for a stranger. No home hair removal method could have done that one for me, so that first package of six was worth every minute and every penny.
The bad news is what you’ve already guessed by reading my first point…I’m still pretty hairy, even after being sold the additional three sessions at half price. I got a progressively better rate of shedding as the treatments went on, and had full shedding by the 7th treatment. When I went in for my 9th treatment (6 weeks after my 8th), it was the only time that I turned up with obvious missing patches of hair. Somebody’s probably thinking that somebody should have cranked up the settings, but I always turned lobster red during the sessions, and wouldn’t be un-pinked for over a day, so it couldn’t have gone up much.
Now, roughly 2.5 years after my last treatment, nobody just looking at the area would guess it had been treated. I’d estimate that 15-20% of my original hair actually is gone, and much of the remainder is less vicious (to give an idea of pre-treatment coarseness, before I went against my mother’s teachings and shaved the area, I couldn’t wear a bathing suit [yes, lined] or pants/skirts of soft/lightweight material because hairs were so eager to work their way through the material and parade themselves…and after starting to shave, there was no way I’d have gone more than a day without shaving, forget long enough to wax), but the last time I had a professional wax me, she noted that I had more hair than the average Jane.

Given the lack of noteworthy hair reduction, one would think I’d be done with it, but…in the last month, I’ve gotten several tiny infected ingrown hairs (vs before the new year, I would get less than one a month). So I’m considering another round if I can find a place where the price is right. As a cosmetic treatment, the laser failed me…but I can’t pan this because it absolutely has enhanced my quality of life, so I know it should produce some kind of quantifiable results for people with normal hair growth.

Since you probably don’t have my issues with hair and are really wanting it gone rather than merely less evil, I’d just have to recommend getting a test patch done before committing to this removal/reduction course. See how much of it sheds, which could take a few weeks. If you have the expected redness and tenderness post-treatment, and don’t have a good rate of shedding, then you may have to decide if you’re willing to invest the time/money for something that may or may not give you any time hair-free.

Thank you LAgirl and edokid… I thought about what you said and decided to buy in. At 13.00 a session, I had to do it.

Thanks jtag! Sorry to hear it didn’t work better, but glad it was tolerable. After electrolysis that didn’t work, I’m used to some pain, but I’m always a little anxious about a new machine/technician. Like you though, I’m glad just to get some clearance for awhile, although I’m hoping for the best that it will take. I bought six for lower legs and six for brazilian. I think it will at least be better for me than waxing. Waxing is this horrible experience of pain only to see dark hair growing under my pale skin just days later. I love reading sites that say waxing lasts for weeks… I wish.

I have only experience with the GentleYag and, while it hurt A LOT at the most coarse/dense areas, the result was worth it. Shedding there was good and I’m as hairy as jtag.

Jtag: welcome! Your trials sound very familiar. It’s a little disheartening to hear that someone with similar hair growth was unable to clear up much but I’m glad it was at least of some help to you.

Thanks for the welcome :slight_smile:
My hair’s resistance to the laser was confusing to the practitioner, as people with darker skin tones were consistently getting faster/better results from her…but oh well. I’m blaming a genetic trait for oddly deep roots, since the laser did work, just not as expected. I’m just hoping that this trait doesn’t interfere as much whenever I finally see an electrologist about my face.

To the OP–have your bikini-area waxes been with strip wax or hard wax? Using the hard wax makes a big difference for my comfort level, and skin condition post-wax. Just in case you wind up with stragglers post-treatment and haven’t given the hard wax a shot.
As for your electrolysis, what went wrong? Bad practitioner, or did you try to attack a large area without being aware of how long it takes, or something else? I’m wanting to learn as much as possible to maximise the benefit I get from my sessions once I do them.

jtag - if the treatments were performed well, I’m pretty sure you should have seen close to 100% shedding after all treatments (minus missed patches).

I’d get test patched with a different laser for the next time around and take a note of settings.

Jtag - there are usually reasons for your situation. You don’t mention settings used. Those are very important. Redness of the skin is not a good way to judge them. You should ask for numbers (joules, pulse width, and spot size used).

Laser only works on coarse hair. If treating that type of hair with good aggressive settings, you should have 90%+ permanent removal on the coarse hair. Finer hair will always remain at the end.

Do you have photos of the current growth? Is it stil coarse?

notadelphin - very happy to hear this worked for someone :slight_smile:

jtag - it’s hard to say exactly what went wrong, but after over 12 sessions in electrolysis on a small stomach bit and small bikini area, i wasn’t seeing enough results to keep investing. whether that reflects unrealistic expectations, wacky growth patterns on me or something about the practictioner, not sure. i did have electrolysis on my upper lip before that worked very well with another practictioner before i moved. in comparison, the first practictioner had a computerized machine and a very fancy microscopic like eyepiece. my second practitioner had a viewing glass and an old system. it just seemed like i would walk out of sessions, have little scabs form, and just as my skin would heal, more hair would return. at least with laser i get to see some clear skin i can take delight in for a while. makes me cry kinda. :slight_smile:

LA Girl–I don’t remember what the settings were, and I’m no longer in the same country as the salon, so not easy to get the info. I could take a photo in a couple of weeks, but I’m freshly waxed from two nights ago, so right now the most to be seen is a few root heads. The hair is still coarse by normal standards (well, coarser than my husband’s untreated pubic hair at least, but he’s not cursed with as much hair in general), but not wiry like it started out.

Thanks for your review. I’ve read plenty here about the difference a newer system can make, but also it being down to the person operating it.
The clearing of hairs IS nice with the laser, certainly comparing it to waxing. They were still growing back for me between sessions, but just a lot slower and less dense than with waxing.

You can potentially use Skype to call them for free or cheaply and get the information. Without it, it’s really impossible to say that laser was at fault. They likely used low settings, which isn’t the fault of laser itself, but of the operator.

It’d be great to see photos once you have them. Laser works best on the type of hair that leaves a shadow and/or stubble look after it’s shaved.

A NDYAG laser will not produce long lasting permanent hair reduction on skin type 1-2. It will thin out the hair but you need to finish off with an Alexandrite laser.
Yet, if the hair is fine and thin, it is challenging to remove. Therefore, an ALexandrite laser is ALWAYS the preferred method of starting a treatment on skin types 1-3.

Thanks Chris! I will lower expectations that 6 will do it and expect to have to find a couple of sessions with an alexandrite down the road. :slight_smile:

If treatments are good at aggressive settings, you may find that you need to switch to an alex after about 4 treatments.

you all have so much helpful knowledge on this! i am so happy about how much great info i am gaining here. i could give yall a big hug!:slight_smile:

quick question. as a pale type I/II chick, if i use the yag for a few sessions on my upper leg, am i at big risk for stimulating more growth on the finer hairs? most of it is like fine dark arm hair, but of course some of it is coarse and more ideal for laser. and i am dying to get rid of that!

i know face, stomach etc. can be very prone to stimulating growth where there is currently finer hair, but not sure how prone upper legs are to this.

thx :slight_smile:

I don’t think it would be worth the cost even though you can technically get it done. It’ll only remove the most coarse hair.

Upper legs are not known for induced growth.

thanks that is really insightful. at 13 bucks a session i think i will enjoy killing off the coarsest hair and the temporary loss of the fine hair. (alleluia group deals). i just didnt want to grow MORE hair ugh.

i wish there would be less ipl and yag deals and more alex deals but alas, not lately… :frowning:

For that price, it’s probably worth it. Takes about 45-60 minutes to treat half legs.