GentleMaxPro Candela

Hi everyone,

I just went in for my first treatment for underarms. I am type 4 skin and the settings she used were 18mm spot size, 9J, and 3ms pulse width, 2.0hz. This was with the 755nm. I feel like the 9J is too low? Could someone please advise for optimal settings? I do not want to get ripped off.


Candela makes great lasers! Yes, that fluence is too low. She used the alexandrite side of the laser. The alexandrite’s parameters are 6-20 joules per square centimeter.

Ask her about her rationale for only using 9 joules. To me, it sounds like she was being extra careful with your type 4 skin.

wow Dee, you amaze me yet again. I had no idea you had such in depth knowledge of laser machines!

755 laser is Alexandrite safe on skin types I-III. On those skin types you need minimum of 16J on 18mm spot for permanent hair removal and ideally go up to 18J. 9J is waste of time and money.

She is only using 9j because she fears risks of burning you since type IV is darker skin for Alexandrite. I don’t know why she isn’t using ND:Yag laser which GentleMax offers and designed for darker skin types.

Well, I am not a laser expert, but I understand certain concepts of laser and laser physics. I always hope that laser specialists will contribute here to help the weary consumer. In fiscal year 2017, I will probably take a laser course to become certified :cool:

Her reasoning for using Alexandrite was to get a larger chunk of the thick hairs in the first or second treatments, and then as the hair gets finer to use the YAG, but I will definitely tell her to up the settings. What do you think is the highest she should go if I tell her to use YAG? Or what settings would be ideal in that case?

I am north indian, so I think I am on the verge between type III and IV. There is a clear contrast in the skin and hair color.

Also, would you all recommend that I use the YAG instead of Alexandrite? She told me Alexandrite would give me personally better results and that it is less painful than the YAG.

Well, I was thinking that a YAG may be better, but that is a decision your practitioner has to make because they are the expert and can see you.

Many people use numbing creams because laser does hurt a lot. So, alexandrite or YAG? Just numb up and it won’t matter which you use.

If a practitioner is using 9joules on you and thinks it’s effective settings, I would question the quality of her training, knowledge and her overall experience level.

She is totally mixing up concepts about ND:YAG and Alexandrite lasers. ND:YAG is most effective on thick/terminal hairs and Alexandrites are thought to be both effective on terminal and finer hairs. But if you have to sacrifice settings on Alexandrite because it will burn dark skin, there is no point using it. Low settings only make clinics rich and clients depressed.

…and on vulnerable areas like a woman’s face, man’s back and shoulders, low energy levels can wake up hair to grow (laser hair stimulation). Not good.

Thank you both! So @fenix, what settings would be good if I want to use the YAG next time? Spot size, fluence?

Levels to be used on you are up to the laser specialist. Telling you actual values is like a doctor writing a prescription for someone 1,000 miles away who she has never seen before.

Nd:YAG Fluence parameters range from 6-30 Joules per square cm, when using a 18 mm spot size.

The smaller the spot size, the higher the joules (energy).