I am having my test done on Friday for hair removal on the back of my neck and side burns. I have light skin and dark hair. I am wondering if anyone has has treatment with the Gentle Lase or does anyone know anything about it? Any feedback would be great. Thanks!!!
I just had my first Gentle Lase treatment for facial hair removal on Monday. Everything I’ve read says that it is a quality hair removal laser. You can learn more by going to www.candelalaser.com.
Like you, I have light skin and dark hair. I started out without any topical anesthetic and then quickly decided that wasn’t going to work. The nursing staff applied a topical anesthetic cream which took full effect in 15-20 minutes. The rest of the treatment was stinging but bearable. There was redness that lasted for 60 minutes or so and my skin is still sensitive. But with this first treatment under my belt I am looking forward to seeing the first evidence of hair fallout.
I have been using GentleLase in my office for the last two years. I can tell you it is one of the best lasers on the market, and I have a lot of patients that had great results. The only suggestion I can make is that you follow the treatment guideline, and get treatments every 4 to 8 weeks, to get the best results.