Let me first of all point out that I’m not a professional and only have my own experiences to share that I has got from one single electrologist some 13 years ago.
My treatment was done with thermolysis only and there are still some very minor scaring left and a little bit of lost pigmentation only visible during the summer. As I’m not quite female and had a whole big bad beard to get rid of I got quite a massive amount of treatment, but nevertheless, thermolysis is the most scaring prone method with speed as it’s only advantage.
Due to a medical condition I stopped when about three quarterly done and have picked up self treatment with pure galvanic some months ago. The regrowth is much, much lower than with thermolysis and when treating sensitive areas like right under the nose I can control the pain by reducing the current. That is impossible with thermolysis, thats work by causing a burn around the root meaning a certain, painful, temperature has to be reached. Galvanics works by an electrochemical reaction with no heat and the amount of treatment equals the product of current and time. This works great for self treatment, for professional the pain in Your wallet might be too intense…
I have never tried blend and has therefore no experiece from that to share.