Helen, Mike Roy (Laurier) is not being mean. He is voicing an opinion that I have heard from virtually every electrologist posting on this site! I mean almost word-for word, the private emails I’ve received.
However, I do NOT want to pick on Seana: I like her a LOT and encourage her participation. But, there is good advice (in Mike’s message) to ALL posters on Hairtell: TRY to state what you have in-depth and real knowledge about! That’s Mike’s message. I try … I don’t always succeed. You know, the human factor? (Open mouth, big foot?)
For example, A while back Seana summarily stated as FACT that the machine I use is 35-years-old. Now, that’s just crazy and I have no idea where that came from? Can you imagine potential clients reading that? (And, her statement remains on past threads!)
Another poster insisted that “the blend takes 12 - 30 seconds to remove one hair.” Again, this from a person that has NO idea of what I’M DOING, and the majority of well-trained “California-blenders.” … but, well, the statement is simply out there as fact!
Suggestion: If you are stating something (without first-hand experience) … include the references, like Brenton does all the time. It’s super helpful and appropriate. We have all learned a LOT from this nice gentle soul.
A lot of my “reading of Hairtell” is to quickly scan Seana’s posts to be sure she’s not giving out information that could be wrong, unreasonable or even detrimental to a client. I think all of us are doing this? And, as Mike Roy points out … often before our coffee! It’s tiresome.
If you notice, I never talk about laser, the Apilus devices or automatic computerized thermolysis, (or insulted needles) because I have no in-depth experience with these modalities (even though I worked in an office for 10-years that has lasers). I stick to what I know; and if I’m not sure, I consult with Dr. Chapple. (Notice that I changed my ideas after Dr. C gave me more information about nose hairs. I think it was a good exchange.)
Again, I don’t want Seana to go-away or to get insulted or to “storm off.” We need her enthusiasm and it’s fun to read her material. I’m a strong advocate of Seana! However, the world of hair removal is replete with misinformation and I think Hairtell’s MISSION is to offer the world straight answers that are valid (we can only TRY).
Just having a “disclaimer” in the signature is not enough. People seldom read this and the statements are now “out there” in perpetuity. Statements get picked-up, repeated and eventually we’re talking about “only killing anagen hairs” again.
Who’s perfect on this? Nobody! What I’m voicing here is a GOAL for all of us to consider!