okay so i went 4 times to this one lady (lets call her lady A) and spend 240 bucks on it, and her method was using blend and was remvoing about 370 hairs each hour, which i thought was great, than i went to another lady (Lady B) who i talked to about (Lady A’s) methods. Lady A would tweeze the hair out before inserting the probe. she would tweeze a hair insert the probe once and treat the hair once than move on. upon hearing this, Lady B was appawled. she told me that Lady A’s method was rediculus becuase she had no way of knowing if she had actually treated the hair or not. and when she saw me today she commented on the ammount of new growth and hair under the skin that was coming back from the areas that Lady A had treated. she told me that Lady A might not actually have treated the hairs becuase she removed them first and there was a good chance she would miss the folicle and would be unable to tell if the folicle was killed or not at each attempt!
Lady B’s methods are… Insert the probe into the folicle and treat it as many times as possible untill she can tweeze the hair out without any resistance and the hair comes out with the clearish sheeth and black dot on the end. she told me that when the hair comes out with no trouble and the black dot is on the end that that particular folicle is dead and will not produce any more hairs…
what should i do?
Is Lady A doing a good practice or is Lady B doing a good practice. Lady B made me think I Might have wasted my money on Lady A.
AHHHH someone with experiance and good knowledge please tell me what to belive and what to do!!!