For Sweet Baby James!

I was reorganizing photo’s, so I probably broke the link after I posted your picture, James. I don’t think this is censorship or Photobuckets interference. They are a good company that helps to enhance communication and fun.

I will re-post it sometime today, unless you don’t want me to re-post it? I thought you looked great! Oh, and I love truck drivers, by the way. They are salt of the earth people!

Let’s try this again:

Happy, content, peaceful man.

I will re-post in the original post as well.

Lovely Arlene:
I seem to recall having some caring ministrations and vegetarian food with plenty of heavy metal cleansing cilantro and shop talk galore when I visited your office as well. We just did not make a fuss about it. :wink:

What matters is we both worked on each other, and we both still recommend each other to those who ask. (well, at least, I know I still recommend you. :blush: )

Please consider organizing ELECTROLYSISFEST - would you do that James and Dee?
Thank you for all that you guys do.
You know I recommend you.

It has been a dream of mine (FANTASY maybe) that we would have a meeting here in sunny Buffalo/Niagara Falls, and I stand ready to do so if there was just enough interest to make it work. Last time I tried to set one up, the advance interest made it seem like a nice weekend for a small number of dedicated pro’s and HairTell friends, but nothing that would finance bringing in the people I wanted to bring in (got to cover their travel and such)

What I will say is this, I still have the ability to bring something together if an interest exists, and even if it were just 5 of us enjoying the waterfall and some hands on trading of information and techniques, I would be up for it.

I just got to know that I would not be baking a cake just to have to eat it all by myself. Late spring, August, September and October are good times, if anyone is interested.

ELECTROLYSISFEST - create an adgenda and I will submit it to the office of continuing education and see if they will approve AEA units. If not, so be it. I will still attend.

James, might I suggest “Ski Windham” in Windham NY. The countryside is beautiful as is the ski resort (nothing as spectacular as Niagra of course) In the summer they’re looking for buisness and have a great facility in a beautiful setting. I did a 2-day car show there once and was very impressed.

That would make an easy trip from the capital district, the city, MA,NJ and CT.

I would look into anything if the community were interested in a get together.

I am interested. I do not know if the language can be a huge obstacle, but I’d really like to try. James is one of the few strongholds that keeps alive the interest in Electrolysis, and I wish to join his cause.

We need people like Mike Roy who continue betting on a better electrolysis, someone to tell us: “I’m here to help you to achieve it”.

Yes James, count on me. You only need 3 more to complete your 5.

Problem solved, Jossie!

I haven’t researched consumer information on which translator is the best, but I’d buy one just for the convenience of communicating with you face to face!