It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I thought I would check in and throw a couple questions out there.
I’ve been on Spiro 100mg/day for just over a year now. I really have not had any negative side effects. In the first few weeks, I would feel naucious at times and had to pee A LOT, but that’s about it. I was perusing the internet recently doing more “research” on spiro and came across a side effect of spiro that I had not read about before. It was jaundice, which is usually a sign of liver disease. So of course I started looking at my skin and the whites of my eyes to see if it was turning yellow. My eyes seem normal. There were some darker spots that were and orangish pink color, but after having inspected the eyes of people in my office, I realized it was normal. I’m one of those people who will convince myself that I have something wrong with me. I don’t do it for attention…it actually scares the hell out of me when I think something’s wrong. So of course I have olive skin tone with a yellowish undertone, but still made myself start thinking my skin is turning yellow. Anyway, I know in my head I’m working myself up for nothing.
What I really came on here for was to ask if anyone who is on spiro or who knows someone on spiro or has researched the topic, has ever seen or heard anything like this before? What would be going on to cause this? I’ve read that a side effect of birth control is jaundice. I’m just wondering if every medicaion has this as a possible side effect.
Thanks for any answers.