Fischer SE-4 information

Hi all,
I just bought a fischer se-4 blend machine. I am going to use it for home electrolysis, but I am ignorant about many things associated with it. I would really appreciate any information that anyone could pass along. specifically:

  1. What size needles fit in it?
  2. Where can I find the best information on the blend technique (I’ve read that this is the most effective?)
  3. What is the best way to use this machine as painlessly as possible? (I am very sensitive to electrolysis)

Thank you all so much for your help!

You will need to get a copy of The Blend Method by Mike Bono at the very least if you buy only one electrolysis book, that is the one to buy. We like others, but since they are expensive, you start with that one, and go from there. (Extra bonus points if you score a coveted first edition)

The machine will uses F-shank probes, which, depending on the company, will come in sizes ranging from 1 - 6. When ordering, you call them F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, F-5, F-6. As you are working with minimal visual aide, you will probably have to go with an F-3 to split the difference between a probe that won’t bend as easy, won’t be too sparky, and will be easy for you to insert.

You should contact Texas Electrolysis Supply 1-800-626-6025 for probes, books, and any other supply, and service needs. They can even fix your machine if it needs it, and replace any worn or broken parts. (Probe holders, foot pedals.)

You should start with Galvanic and work your way up to blend.

The worse your insertion skill, and the lower your pain tolerance, the longer each hair will take to treat. As your skill increases, your treatment time and experience of pain will lower.

Finally, you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, should get a partner and have the partner do the work on you, and you do the work on the partner, as self work is inferior to someone else working on you EVEN WHEN YOU BOTH ARE RANK AMATEURS!

Cyndiw, You should put in your location . You can find a partner on here.

I have a partner already, but thanks for the idea. James, that was exactly the information i needed. Thank you so very much! What do you think of the insulated needles for blend?

Insulated probes are designed to protect against poor insertions causing excess energy making contact with the upper layers of skin. You need to weigh that against your stated low pain tolerance. Use of gold probes is typically the most comfortable option. Have them send you samples of both Ballet Gold F-3 and Ballet Insulated F-3, and while you are at it, try the Sterex two piece, although I am not sure those come in an insulated. For a two piece insulated, you would need to go with Pro-Tec Isoguard F-3. I am unaware of anyone making a two piece gold probe.

Thanks for telling us that you got a partner ahead of getting the machine. It makes us feel better to know that there are some people out there who are actually taking our good advice.

Although the thread is already a bit aged…

… Sterex is providing two piece gold probes. I have a few samples here.

BTW: Sterex insulated probes can only be used with thermolyses; the isolation is immediately damaged by lye.

Dectro’s Iso-Guard Probes/needles are designed to be used with both thermolysis and blend, in case anyone wants to know.

Thanks, interesting. Does anyone know about Ballet isolated?


That would be insulated… not isolated. Just a small correction there!

I mainly use Ballet insulated probes. I like them as much as I like Ballet one piece gold’s. I like the sturdier feel of these probes and especially how easily they glide into the follicle.

Well, that was German Englisch and a Glass of Wine :wink: isolated and insulated translate identically…

My intention is to maintain at least a relatively strong underlying galvanic current in connection with thermolysis in rather short pulses (0.1-0.25 s) - i would not call that blend because the main effect is done by thermolysis. And i would like to avoid spendign 50% more for insulated probes if i cannot use this for this kind of application. BTW, i am talking of thick facial hair in rather dry skin and correspondingly high doses.


Are you trying to do your face yourself? Even professional electrologists won’t do this because it’s really hard to make good insertions on your own face and without scarring.

Oh, yes. Do not work on yourself. Gold probes would be my choice for anything galvanic. Please say you are not doing your own work though. I liked your glass of wine comment (smile). I think I can relate to that.


After more than 230 hours with a “professional” and after finishing my own professional training i actually spend a lot of time working on my own face in the mirror, although my insurance was willing to pay another 100 hours to this electrologist. I simply had no choice because i did not know about qualified alternatives nearby. Due to certain reasons the quality of her work degraded severey at the time i ceased the treatment with her, working in the mirror was simply the lesser evil.

As You might have noticed it is not too easy to find a good electrologist in germany, especially in some reagions. But meanwhile i found a good collegue nearby (her web site is not search engine friendly, google simply did not show it), but she is probably one of the most skillful collegues around and i get the rest of my facial hair done and learn for my own business…


When I was desperate, I taught my then girlfriend and had her work on me. If you can convince a family member, or a good friend to do you the same favor, you would get better insertions, and thus more reliable work than a reverse insertion in a mirror, with poor skin stretching and excess movement going on.

Besides, it may be a sneaky way to gain an electrolysis co-conspirator, and business partner. :wink:

I even tried and did not succeed; due to my TS background the contact to my family is a bit limited…

If i had succeeded it would probably saved me the scars caused by the “long term professional”.


Ok, send me a ticket to Germany, a comfortable guest room and make sure I can visit with my friend Ms. Iris while I am there, and we can work on each other. :wink:

Mhmm, almost sounds like an interesting business model: advanced trainings to prepare german electrologists for the BIA together with Iris (as the CPE has become more or less out or reach for us…) :wink:

Trust me, the idea is for such things as the CPE to become more out of reach to more and more people. That’s how you artificially reduce (and perhaps eventually eliminate) a profession. :wink:

In the mean time, those of us who do know, have a hard time bringing up the next generation, while maintaining profitability.

Who has an interest to reduce or even eliminate our profession?

BTW: to the moderation: is it possible to split off the OT part of the thread and move it to the professional electrolysis section where it actually belongs?
