I am thinking about getting electrolysis around my nipple area. I started plucking those hairs when I was about 15 (I didn’t know plucking is what makes them grow back coarser!), and now I have about 50 that are pretty dark. In the last year, they have also become prone to being ingrown, and I started to think about electrolysis when one of these ingrown hairs left a scar.
I have a few questions that I hope someone can answer for me: 1. Is this an area more prone to side effects than others? I’d imagine breast tissue is pretty sensitive, though it never really hurt when I plucked it. 2. Would anyone know the period of time I’d have to be treated over? Would it be weeks, months, years? As I said, the hairs are dark, but I’d be happy if they became just lighter and thinner rather than gone completely. 3. Does anyone have any recent recommendations for someone who could do this in the NYC area? I see that Maria Vega has been recommended, and the place in Great Neck is in the recommendations threat-- any others?
Thanks so much for your help! I really don’t know who else I can ask at this point because it seems no one I know has ever had it done.