First time DIY. Is this overtreatment?

I am a trans woman. For the last year and a half I have been getting regular electrolysis sessions for my facial hair with moderate success (30 sessions). I am very lucky that my insurance covered this. Unfortunately, this dermatology practice is closing and there are no others in my area that are covered by insurance. I have decided to go with DIY instead.

I finally managed go get my hands on a sterex sx-b after doing some research into this topic. I started DIY electrysis this week and after testing the settings on another area of my body I began treating my face. I adjusted the settings to the lowest amount that still allowed me to pull the hairs out without pain / resistance. The settings I used on the sterex are 7% thermolysis, 40% galvanic for 5 seconds.

I am wondering if I overtreated my chin because there is redness, some swelling and it is warm to the touch (see photo). The reaction is about the same as what it was when I got it done professionally, so to me it looks okay but I would like to hear your opinion. Thank you (:

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it’s a little rough, but honestly pretty good. I dont think you’llsee adverse reactions from this treatment.All in all well done! I would say though since you are treating yourself, you do have the abilityto scatter your work a little nd not clearcut the area on a first effort. Spread your workout more and you can cler over time and it will be much lessened reaction. Welcome totheDIY’ers club, we’re a pretty exclusive group!


In my experience you can determine the real carnage 1-2 days after treatment. Watch out for scabbing (on the face) … if none you’re good to go.