I just had my first session with the yag side of gentlemax. I have type IV skin (light Indian skin) and had my lower legs and underarms done. The settings were 14j, 3 ms, 18mm spot, rate 2 hz, 40/30 for the cooling pre and delay, and total pulse count of 906.
It’s disheartening after reading through these forums to see how many offices/clinics use inappropriate settings, and I feel like my place was being very cautious since it was the first session. When I return for the second session, I think they will increase to 16 j, but I would like to have an idea of what settings would be more effective so I can try to ask for them.
So: 1. In general, what would we be the best settings, based on the limited information I’ve provided. Was my first session pretty much useless?
2. They did not use a grid on my legs, should I insist on them using next time?
3. I see on the chart that's on the link provided below, that the max joules for my skin type is listed as 20j for 18mm, is that true or would it be safe to go higher than that?
Thank you to everyone who posts on these forums. I’ve found that it’s very difficult to get reliable information about laser hair removal and it’s been very helpful reading about other people’s experiences and expertise.