First electrolysis treament on lip: is this mark normal, or abnormal?

Hi all,

I’m new here and appreciate the wisdom in this community!

I’ve had body thermolysis in the past with no issues. I decided to test the face (thermolysis) for the first time, starting with a few hairs on my chin and upper lip.

I have one treatment area on my lip that concerns me. It looks like an indented line, and still stings six days after treatment. I’m very curious if this seems normal, or is a sign of overtreament.

I talked to my electrologist. She said this hair had a lot of debris in it, and she could have hit the follicle wall or went a little too deep. I am very concerned about a scar forming. Any insight is so appreciated!

lip 2

It’s going to be absolutely fine

The skin is still healing (it is pink). I do not see an issue.

Thank you for taking a look. I appreciate it!

Thank you for looking. Very appreciated.