Hello!! I am a 25-year-old female and I can honestly say that I am the hairiest woman I have ever seen in real life I shave pretty much everything on my body, and then wax from the neck up… Well I have decided to make some permanent changes for the better and I am starting with my upper lip. I have been doing a lot of reading on electrolysis these past few days and I am so glad that I am finally starting this journey, and I am in it for as long as it takes!! Tomorrow is my first appointment with an electrologist. I am soo excited!! According to her workplace’s website she has over 20 years of experience–I find that very reassuring. My appointment tomorrow is a consultation, but I am hoping that she can get rid of some of the thicker hairs on my upper lip at that time, it has taken every ounce of willpower I have to NOT wax or pluck that area since I made my appointment!! Here are the following questions I have about my consultation tomorrow…
- I believe it’s safe to assume that I shouldn’t wear make up to the appointment, but can I put my Olay daily moisturizer on my face that morning?
- What kind of questions should I ask the electrologist?
- Is it normal to start some electrolysis the same day as a consultation??
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this… I am so glad to have found this site!!