Fine hair question

I have been phoning around trying to find an electrologist but have been told a few times now that they can only treat thicker hair and electrolysis does not work on fine hair.
I’m sure I’ve read on here numerous times that it can be treated, one of the electrologists I spoke to actually does training for Electrolysis.
Please tell me they are wrong because although I have thicker black hairs too, in the main my hair is fine (but a lot of it) so now I’m worries I’m going to be stuck with it.

Do not worry,electrolysis can permanently destroy fine hairs. You need to find a electrologist with good lighting ,good magnification and most importantly the skill to treat fine hairs.

I would laugh if it were not because such claims end with the hopes of many people.
Are these hairs fine enough to convince this electrologist that Electrolysis works on ALL hair types?

Josefa those photos as very reassuring.
This lady who said this teaches electrolysis in colleges and has 30 years experience :frowning:
I’ve been told a few times on the phone while trying to find an electrologist that if the hair is too fine they can’t get the needle down it.
I have a range of hairs, some thick, some vellus and some in between the two. So it is upsetting to be told that the fine hair can’t be treated. Especially as it’s obviously not true.

The people I have seen/talked to have advised to wax/thread my fine hair and its so disheartening. I wish there were people like josefa near me!

I am being treated by the same woman sky is referring to (30 years experience etc) and she is only treating the thicker hairs and leaving all the fine ones. I am still looking for a better electrologist but it is near impossible to find a good one :frowning:

Unfortunately, if an electrologist is saying it can’t be done, they are probably right but also talking about themselves personally.

To treat fine hairs you need to (a) SEE them and (b) know HOW to treat them.

This requires finding a set-up (lighting, magnification) that allows these hairs to be seen and then adjusting one’s treatment to be able to remove these hairs without superfluous skin damage. It’s just too much hard work for some people.

The other problem is that untouched fine hair will mostly be in telogen stage. Many electrologist claim that hair in telogen cannot be killed. So they would be working on follicles where they are extracting the hair without killing it… hoping that when it comes back they can catch it in anagen. But this is at a huge waste of time and expense for the client.

While phoning about I’ve been told that vellus hair can’t be treated because it has no root bulb.
If this is true what is making it grow?

Sky - Read my above paragraph about telogen hairs.

Michael Bono has written numerous posts about the follicle structure and telogen hairs. Follicles with telogen hairs can be treated if the electrologist knows how to do it. Unfortunately, not something most electrologists in the UK have heard about or willing to accept.