Fine hair after being zapped

On some areas of my face, the hair that has undergone thermolysis treatment, is growing back fine and very slowly. Is this normal or at least occasional? I’m scared I will be stuck with little, tiny hairs on my face that my electrologist can barely get to.

Were you shaving the area prior to electrolysis or in between treatments?

If so, those finer hairs were likely there all along and are only now visible because you might be no longer shaving to the skin or you are waiting longer between shaves because the coarse hairs are going away.

Most clients have a mixture of true peach fuzz, longer fine hairs and coarse hairs. The coarse hairs grow faster than fine hair so clients become used to not seeing any fine hair if they are shaving consistently.

If your electrologist cannot see those hairs you are describing, I would find an electrologist who uses magnification eyewear or ask your electrologist what magnification they are currently using. Sometimes the proper equipment makes a world of difference in making sure all the bothersome hairs are treated.

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Thanks for the reply. I’ve been more on this forum and have concluded that these “baby hairs” are hairs that have been zapped and are growing back much weaker. I am just amazed that they are growing so slowly. They are not a result of shaving. Thanks.

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