fine dark hairs ... what to do ?


I have fine hairs all over my body, they’re dark and i have very fair skin so they are noticeable but not awful. I have left them alone for the last 4 years but im meant to be going away in a few months and i would love to be able to wear holiday clothes without being embarrassed !!
If i waxed my stomach and back would the hair grow back thicker ?? I was told that if i wax the fine hairs i could stimulate them coming back darker or there could be more of them, which worries me.
I just wondered what you would suggest :slight_smile:
BTW im a girl and 19, so we aren’t talking thick male body hair or anything, i thought it would be too fine to laser what are your thoughts?? should i consider laser ?
Thanks xx

Firstly as you are so young, you probably do not yet have all your boby hair yet, so as waxing could accelerate the process, I would avoid it. It can increase growth.
I suggest perhaps bleaching. This is very effective on fine hair. Your hair sounds too fine for laser, so electrolysis would be the next option. Consider having some consultations, to get some idea of what could be acheived, in the time you have left, before your vacation.

I have sorted the money almost for laser and electrolysis but don’t know what to do with the other parts (apart from bleaching) that need to be removed, and I am thinking of waxing or epilating, they are fine, dark hairs.

I’m in a similar situation. I have fine but dark and long hair on my arms and throughout most of my body. I can manage shaving my legs but my arm hair grows back very prickly when I shave. I will start electrolysis on my cheeks and belly button next week but cannot afford anything else yet. I was wondering if waxing the female body will really cause a drastic increase in hair.

I would recommend bleaching. If you have fine hairs, after bleaching it looks practically invisible. You don’t usually see blonde haired girls that remove arm or body hair, do you? Yours will look the same.

For legs, waxing is best.

For arms, bleach if you can. Waxing is an option but you do need to be prepared to continue waxing or shaving afterward. Untouched arm hair lies nice and flat and is even in density, once you start waxing and it starts to grow back it looks really patchy and the hairs don’t like flat anymore. For that reason, you would end up needed to wax again fairly soon or keep it shaved until enough hair is back for you to wax… but it looks really bad grown out so you wouldn’t be able to leave it.

Therefore! If try bleaching first, if it’s fine enough it should bleach nicely. If not, you can think about waxing.

Laser is only appropriate for thick, dark hairs. Such as legs, bikini area, underarms, possibly forearms.