Finasteride And Hirsutism

I am cross-posting this to the transsexual board, but here goes. How often is finasteride used for hirsutism? I’ve done lots of research online, and study after study has confirmed its effectiveness in treating idiopathic hirsutism. In most studies, it works as well as spironolactone. I am a TG person, and had orchiectomy surgery several years ago and now take estrogen. After surgery my body hair growth declined, but I still have too much and I believe my hair follicles are very sensitive to ANY testosterone and, especially, DHT. I cannot take spironolactone; I already have low blood pressure, and spironolactone causes awful dizziness.

So, my doctor prescribed finasteride. All well and good. However, I came across a few websites that suggest that in some people, finasteride can cause long term/permanent health problems. These people (all of them men) claimed that the drug screwed up their hormone levels, caused permanent impotence, and led to depression and anxiety. Now, I don’t much care about the sexual performance issues (obviously) but I do worry about some of the other stuff reported. None of it’s been proven, but it’s scared me enough that I am afraid to take it now.

Any advice or insight?

Drugs always have some side effects, sadly, most of them more detrimental than we know. I’ve been trying to get information on hair-inhibiting medications too, but little luck. They all seem to be problems in themselves, and only partially effective.

If you get any new info though, do post it.