I’ve always had a problem with my body hair, I’m a 22 year old guy, and I think I have an exceptionally hairy chest for my age. I tried buying waxes and nair and none of these things ever worked for me at home. I soon gave up. I happened to stumble across a recipe for sugaring hair away… I followed the instructions perfectly, and much to my suprise, it worked! I finally found somthing that worked, and it was practially free, using old t-shirts as strips, and composed of sugar, lemon juice and water. It cleans up amazingly, and is way more effective than anything I’ve ever paid for. I just hope to save someone a little time and money that they might possibly waste trying all the other waxes and sugars you have to buy… I found the recipe on here, and I think you very much for it. My self esteem has skyrocketed, and I can finally take my shirt off comfortably again for the first time since I was about 15… Thanks
is the link I followed to get the recipe, incase anyone wants to try it