Favorite razor?

I was wondering what everyone’s favorite razor is? Which one cuts you less? I like Venus, mostly because I’ve never even nicked myself with it.
Also, does anyone else have problems with thos cheap disposable razors cutting you to pieces?

My problem with the cheap disposable razors is they don’t give a close shave! I have to sit there and go over and over the same spot. I like the metal razors a lot better, except that you can’t throw them out when you’re done and I’ve always been lazy and lousy and cleaning them. (sigh)

I actually gave up on shaving my legs recently and my husband says he doesn’t mind it. He says he was against the idea at first, but now that he sees what my legs look like “au natural”, he says it’s really no big deal! He says personally, he prefers it to feeling stubble when he’s lying next to me. So I may actually be out of the leg shaving business! We’ll see.

I even wore a short skirt the other day and asked him how bad it was that I’ve given up shaving my legs. He said, “It looks fine, actually. You have nice legs. Maybe the whole leg-shaving thing is just a scam after all. You look fine.”

So there’s an intersting thought! :smile:

That is just not fair! I have thick, dark, course hair, and I can’t go two days without shaving… otherwise I look like a diseased porcupine!


Amy I like the Venus, too. Some women like the Schick Silk Effects, which is good it you ten to get nicked while shaving. The Venus gives me the closest shave.

Anonymous, I agree that it’s a shame that our society has been led to believe that women are supposed to be almost hairless. You’re lucky to have an enlightened husband! Maybe there will be a day when everyone realizes that body hair is a natural thing and not a big deal, but until then I’ll keep my website up! :wink:

Don’t worry, Andrea! :smile:

Mach III turbo or reg for the closest shave. I just find the Venus not to be as close. And Kiss My Face is my favorite shave lotion.

[ July 15, 2002, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: Tonic ]

I got a Mach III regular when they first came out so I could make a report. It definitely felt like a closer shave than the Venus, but it was almost too close for me. I seem to get fewer ingrowns with the Venus vs. the Mach III.

I’ve tried cheap disposable razors, the Schick Silk Effects, and Venus. Venus is definately my favorite. The cheap razors were obviously crap. With the schick I was never completely smooth, and the hair regrowth was noticable later in the day. The Venus makes my legs feel totally hairless, and sometimes I can go up to two days without shaving.

My favorite thing to shave with is the moisturzing shampoo from Great Clips. Maybe all moisturing shampoos would work, but this is the only one I’ve tried shaving with. The lady’s shaving creams are too pricey and don’t work as well for me. The men’s shaving creams were the worst. I’d reccomend shampoo over anything else. :smile: I hope this advice helps.

Good tip, meeow! I actually use hair conditioner when I shave my legs. The key to any shaving routine is reducing friction as much as possible.

At least I don’t feel so weird now! I like to use those body washes, like Jergen’s, etc. It doesn’t take much, and there are some brands that are fairly inexpensive.

Sometimes cheaper is better. Ladies shaving creams are the biggest rip off. For me they were often too thick and seemed to clog up my razor. Body washes, shampoos, and conditioners are all thinner and easier to work with. :smile:

The Mach III Turbo rules! Much better than Venus. A lot of bodybuilders tired Venus on rumors that it was better than orig. Mach III. I tried the Venus and seemed similar to Mach 3. I switched to the Turbo and noticed a big difference.
Since I had some Venus blades left I decided to try one on my legs after using the Turbo for awhile. No contest, the Turbo wins hands down! Less friction and a closer, longer lasting shave.

I have found the Suave body wash to be very good, either alone or used with Edge Pro Gel for Tough Beards. The Moore’s Hydroglide Shave is OK but I will post on that later.


Venus was great after a while but I STILL got some irritation from it (I tried it out the first time it came out).

I’m allergic to practically anything that I put on my skin. It was horrible. THe only brands I can really use is Aveeno and Neutrogena. Hence, I use the Aveeno shaving cream. That CERTAINLY works wonders though I wish the container didn’t run out easily!

I have to shave everyday because I have dark coarse hair as well. Although I lucked out in not having to shave my upper legs and arms at all! But everything else… ech!

I used to use the Emjoi epilator, but it didn’t exactly work me wonders. It didn’t pull out all the hair I needed. It pretty much broke when I went to China for vacation so after that, I decided to go back into shaving (with an electric razor). Surprisingly, the electric razor didn’t give me allergies anymore (as it did in the past)! I use the REmington Smooth & Silky Plus with the gold shavers since it’s hypo allergenic. That thing works me WONDERS! :smile:

Thanks for the report, KatieKat!

My favorite razor is definitely the Gilette Venus. I thought having 3 blades was kind of scary looking, but the shaving with it feels so soft and smooth. I don’t have to press down with any force at all, it just glides across like I’m not even shaving, and leaves everything silky smooth without any cuts. I am really surprised it was that good. Anybody who hasnt tried it really should. I was a skeptic, but it quickly won me over.

Gillette Venus Passion is defiantly the best!!! I am a guy and, even though, it’s more for girls it still works well w/ me! lolz

[ February 18, 2004, 04:59 AM: Message edited by: Texan ]