I noticed that the false regrowth of hair (in shedding phase) occurs within 15 days after a session.
I’ve also noticed that the Electrolysis accelerates the appearance of miniaturized hairs by laser prior treatment. Has anyone else noticed the same thing?
Hmmm…If you are talking about the few hairs seen in the second picture - I would call that new growth. The way I understand it, and explain to clients - in about 2 weeks, you will be seeing some new hairs cycle in. They will show up as soft tapered hairs and as they grow you will see the true diameter of the hair. This probably has been labeled as false regrowth, but I hesitate to throw more terms out to the client that they could misunderstand.
I can only go by my clients statements that they have laser-induced hair growth, and while there seems to be one consistent difference in the hairs, I haven’t noticed more hair after electrolysis. The difference I’ve noticed is that some of the hairs seem petrified. One client had their last laser tx in March, and I am still seeing these petrified hairs. They are always large diameter black hairs, they are stick straight, and they have no root sheath, yet they slide out of the skin like a dream. They also seem very brittle (why I describe them as petrified).
On a woman’s cheeks tonight, I noticed that the root structure was basically absent a year after having laser reduction. Hair after hair released pretty well and maybe I would see a very small white grain of salt on the end of the hair, but sometimes not. I was frustrated.
I had the same experience many months after laser (occasional hairs that were thick, bone dry and brittle, straight and slid right out.) I could easily discern them not only by sight but by the way they felt as well.
Hmm…I wonder what that phenomena called? (Chance to name it, anyone?)
Hmmm…If you are talking about the few hairs seen in the second picture - I would call that new growth. The way I understand it, and explain to clients - in about 2 weeks, you will be seeing some new hairs cycle in. They will show up as soft tapered hairs and as they grow you will see the true diameter of the hair. This probably has been labeled as false regrowth, but I hesitate to throw more terms out to the client that they could misunderstand.
Yes Barbara, it seems that “New growth” and “False regrowth” are synonymous in our world, but, to my clients the term “New growth” is very ambiguous, they may think that this new growth comes from the same follicles treated in an earlier session, I have only to explain the reason why it is “False”.
The truth is that Michael Bono has a knack for choosing the perfect word to define every situation.
What I was trying to explain here is that I am convinced that the Electrolysis helps accelerate the cycle in the follicles that have not been treated. Are the hairs that were in the shedding phase would have appeared so quickly to the surface of the skin? or treatment of OTHERS follicles around helped to boost its appearance?
What I was trying to explain here is that I am convinced that the Electrolysis helps accelerate the cycle in the follicles that have not been treated. Are the hairs that were in the shedding phase would have appeared so quickly to the surface of the skin? or treatment of OTHERS follicles around helped to boost its appearance?
In areas where the follicles are in close proximity to each other it would be fair to assume that this might well be the case, how could it not? The destructive energy within a treated follicle as it dissipates through the skin might well be enough to kick start another follicle into action. That’s not saying that the follicle wouldn’t become productive anyway, it just suggests that it might be the case that it happens a little sooner. I think it’s one of many questions/situations that we can only ever speculate about…I console myself by thinking that it simply means I can hit the follicle a little sooner than might otherwise have been the case…
Absolutely agree Follizap. Thanks for explaining it so well. I could not have explained better .
Although I believe there is a way to check this phenomenon, by bleaching their hair. That is, if bleached area and the area left untreated, we can compare this area with one that has been treated, and see if the percentage of new hairs is the same.
Before (September 2011)
After first session:
2 week later:
5 sessions (1 per week) later:
7 sessions later:
New growth or false regrowth has appeared, but these hairs could not be treated because they were not present in the first clearance. The needle is like Attila’s horse, so it passes, the grass does not grow more.
Treatment of nearby follicles causes increased blood flow to the area, which stimulates healing of the skin and also stimulates hair growth in nearby follicles. I just finished reading Hinkel’s book and it mentions this =)
It is the same phenomenon in laser treatment which causes hairs to thicken and grow faster (the hairs which are not killed). That is also the premise behind the laser hair regrowth products which use a low energy laser to stimulate hair growth for balding men.
There is a small “big” difference, while the Electrolysis accelerates the arrival of the untreated hairs, with no impact on surrounding areas, the laser slows the cycle in the treated follicles that survived (proven fact), and also seems to have an effect on nearby areas that were not treated (not shown). Honestly, I do not think much of the latter possibility (stimulation in surrounding areas), in fact I think that doctors who have observed this phenomenon, have little knowledge about the natural progression in follicle development, and this has led to this false conclusion. It is much more likely that the increased thickness of the hair in surrounding areas due to the passage of time, rather than the biostimulation of heat produces light. Which is why I do not believe in the effectiveness of laser treatments for baldness.